Want My DNA? Get a Warrant
2 hours ago
Trata a los demas como quisieras que te traten a ti.
--Boom Boom Boom shows the only upside to the game of soccer that I have ever seen.Thanks also for pointing out Point 4 under your Terms. Away with Islamofascist. I've had to back up and switch up on some'o'my labelings.
Viva Fun! Viva Can-Can! Viva Adventure! Viva Strip Tease! Viva Love! Viva Boom-Boom!And, I completely forgot -- or never noticed in my more visual youth -- that she could sing.
The Detroit leader of a nationwide fundamentalist Islamic group was fatally shot during a series of FBI raidsH/T Lucianne.comWednesday afternoon. The FBI arrested 10 people who have ties to the group called the Ummah, which translates to “the brotherhood.” The group consists primarily of those who converted to Islam while serving sentences in various prisons around the county. The nationwide leader is believed to be Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rapp Brown.
Mr. Abdullah was the imam of a mosque called Masjid al-Haqq, which was evicted by city officials in January for failure to pay property taxes. During the eviction, the police said, they found two guns and about 40 other weapons in Mr. Abdullah’s apartment. As a felon previously convicted of assault and carrying a concealed weapon, Mr. Abdullah was forbidden to possess firearms
NY23: Newt does Dede's dirty work
I was disgusted just now to see Newt Gingrich's
appearance on Greta Van Susteren's Fox News show
tonight, when he hit Doug Hoffman with a cheap shot,
saying Hoffman "doesn't live in the [23rd] District.
(Hey, ask some Georgians if Newt has any room to
talk about carpetbagging!)
"I've seen a lot of nasty shit over the years, George, but this one was disgusting." Rapp thought about it for a second and then corrected himself, saying, "I take that back. It wasn't disgusting . . . it was bizarre. There was nothing left, except chunks of indistinguishable goo."Yeah, the Gingrich - Steele - Scozzafava Republicans: Indistinguishable, chunky goo.
When the GOP rebuilds, it needs to be rebuilt with quality candidates. When the Democrats are through bringing their 40 year old wish list to life, we will need strong principled people just to bring back America to anything close to what it used to be. This certainly won't happen with a large pack of unprincipled, spineless, big government loving RINOs.9:30 p.m.: Regressive Dirty Tricks Update over at TOMcC. Bwaahahaha.
The only way the John Cornyns, McCains, Powells and Specters of the party are ever going to hear us, is when we starve them to death by withholding our cash and votes.
"I have never known what language I spoke first, Arabic or English, or which one was really mine beyond doubt. What I do know, however, is that the two have always been together in my life, one resonating in the other, sometimes ironically, sometimes nostalgically, most often each correcting, and commenting, on the other."My favorite pic of Professor Said is the one where he's chucking rocks at Israeli soldiers. Yeah, he was an adult at the time of the stoning. Pot-bellied, graying hair, baseball capped and throwing like a tenured, Ivy League professor. That's as deep into the learned educator as I ever needed to go.
"A hugely popular professor of multicultural studies, he was credidted with formulating the very concept of multiculturalism in his bestselling book, Eastern Mind, Western Eyes. ... It is the nature of culture that it directs our words and actions even when we are not aware of its influence...." (P. 145)Yeah that sounds like Said to me. Blah blah blah, multiblahcultureblahblah. All thoughts thought are dictated by the culture in which I grew up, white-ish, raaaaacist, imperialist, crusadery, blah de blah.
May 7, 2008*****
Edward Said's Shadowy Legacy
Tricky with argument, weak in languages, careless of facts: but, thirty years on, Said still dominates debate
Said had a problem with languages. For example, when discussing the writings of Sir William Jones and Friedrich Schlegel, he was mysteriously determined to deny that Sanskrit, Persian, German and Greek all belonged to the same broad group of languages – a sort of club to which Arabic could not belong. Ibn Warraq, in discussing Said’s attitude to Orientalists, remarks that he was “particularly jealous of their mastery of languages”. German scholars dominated Arabic, Hebrew and Sanskrit studies in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, yet Said avoided any substantial discussion of their work. Some critics have argued that this was because the pre-eminence of German Orientalists did not fit his thesis about the interdependence of Orientalism and imperialism in the Middle East, but others have suggested that it was because his German was not very good. Varisco has noted how Said mistranslates Goethe’s famous line “Gottes ist der Orient!” as “God is the Orient”. He has also spotted that Nerval’s “La mer d’Ionie” was mistranslated as “the Ionian sky”. Ibn Warraq is unhappy with Said’s English, specifically with his misuse of the adverb “literally” and his confusion of scatology with eschatology. Other critics have wondered about Said’s Arabic.
Orientalists Fight Back'Nuff said on Said for today, yes?
For a number of years now, Islamologists have been aware of the disastrous effect of Said’s Orientalism on their discipline. Professor Berg has complained that the latter’s influence has resulted in "a fear of asking and answering potentially embarrassing questions - ones which might upset Muslim sensibilities....".
For Clive Dewey, Said’s book "was, technically, so bad; in every respect, in its use of sources, in its deductions, it lacked rigour and balance. The outcome was a caricature of Western knowledge of the Orient, driven by an overtly political agenda. Yet it clearly touched a deep vein of vulgar prejudice running through American academe".
The most famous modern scholar who not only replied to but who wiped the floor with Said was, of course, Bernard Lewis. Lewis points to many serious errors of history, interpretation, analysis and omission. Lewis has never been answered let alone refuted.
Any one else getting tired of reading of Obama's South Side thug paranoia as "Nixonian?"
Cheap usage is giving Nixonianism a bad name. Heh.
Simple Google Search:
Obama Nixonian: 2,900,000 hits in 19 seconds. Just saying.
Knock it off.
Let Nixon rest in peace. Nixon had a reason for being Nixonian.
What's Obama's excuse?
Secondary benefit of Obamaism: Could be the final rehabilitation of Richard Milhous Nixon.
Searches related to: obama nixonian:
obama swine flu
obama enemies list
obama sarah palin
chuck colson obama
obama fox news
glenn beck obama
Nixon Was The One long before The One was The One.
Keezer says for 19 months, ever since he started working as a cashier at The Home Depot in Okeechobee, he's worn a button with an American flag on it that reads: "One nation under God, indivisible."
Trev didn't start working at The Home Depot to make a religious statement. He just wanted to earn money for college.
Keezer sees the quotation, taken from the pledge of allegiance, as his way of supporting American troops at war, and of expressing hisChristianpersonal faith.
"I was cashier of the month and I've won six 'Homer' awards -- that's the highest award you can get at Home Depot."
"I want to go to school to become a nurse," said the 20-year-old Okeechobee resident.
It's 4:31 and here's a list of GONERS:NEWT AND CALLISTA
Increasingly IrrelevantAnother Black Conservative tells Newt:
Don’t Even Bother!MMalkin says:
No ThanksDaTechGuy gives Our Governor Mrs. Todd Palin One (1) Boom in NY-23:
By datechguy
You don’t get much bigger than this:
The votes of every member of Congress affect every American, so it’s important for all of us to pay attention to this important Congressional campaign in upstate New York. I am very pleased to announce my support for Doug Hoffman in his fight to be the next Representative from New York’s 23rd Congressional district. It’s my honor to endorse Doug and to do what I can to help him win, including having my political action committee, SarahPAC, donate to his campaign the maximum contribution allowed by law.
Boom Boom Boom had a post on Sharia in Arizona that linked us;or if you're here because of the Rule 5 Sunday / LFL linkyluv link, where Mr. Smith says:
Boom Boom Boom weighs in with a potential threat to the Lingerie Football League;or if you're here from OmDeHoek -- or his FaceBook post;
Yeah I get the seasonal flu shot every year. My doc says "Stop on by the office and we'll give you one. No charge, no appointment necessary."He says that every year. Costs a little in my coveted time to get over there but saves me twenty-five bucks. Couldn't get over there this year so thought I'd pay for one at work. Then our work Nurse cancelled the shots -- but she emailed me with a place that would be giving them for free on a Saturday a few weeks ago. Went out there early, planning to take the shot. The line -- an hour before they were set to open -- was four blocks long, three folks wide, and I had no desire to line up with the concerned, early, aged, blessed masses so I went out for breakfast instead.
Later work Nurse rescheduled the office space shots and I forked over my twenty-five bucks, got the shot. Made me a little feverish this year, sore-throated, but so what? I don't much like real flu anymore. When I was a kid back in the Northern Interior and prone to the aching tonsils, Mom would bring me hot chocolate when I was flued in, tomato soup in bed for lunch, a stack of books but no tv allowed; but she won't do that for me anymore, so I'd rather stay healthy.
One thing leading to 'nother, I was thinking about Fr. Neuhous this morning, may he rest in peace, and went over to First Things and saw their blogs and started poking around and there's Jim Hoft with a link to great pics of poor cheddarheads waiting in the rain for their flu shots. That Wisconsin line looks just like the line out here in LaLaLand.
Father runs down daughter in Peoria parking lotThough some might ask*, Who is a father to this girl?
Police seek suspect, vicitms hospitalized
October 22, 2009 10:38 AM
Staff report
Peoria police are searching for a man they say ran down his 20-year-old daughter in a parking lot for becoming “too 'westernized’ and ... not living according to their traditional Iraq values.”
Noor Faleh Almaleki of Surprise was taken to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries, police said. Another woman, Amal Edan Khalaf, 43, of Surprise also was struck and is in the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
Detectives from the Peoria Police Violent Crimes Unit, after talking with family and friends, learned Faleh Hassan Almaleki, 48, of Glendale was the driver and is Noor Faleh Almaleki’s father.
Updated on Thursday, October 22, 2009, 20:50
Cairo: An apparently drunk Sudanese passenger tried to hijack an Istanbul-Cairo Egypt Air flight and divert it to Jerusalem, but was overpowered by air marshalls, a senior official said on Thursday.
Minutes after take-off yesterday, the 26-year old man snatched a knife provided with meals for first-class passengers and put it to the neck of an air hostess, head of the Civil Aviation Authority Imad Sallam said.
He told her that the plane is now being hijacked and said, "take me to Jerusalem".
Sallam said the air marshalls at the back of the plane ran to the air hostess, overpowered the man and tied him. He seemed to have been drunk. The knife used was a plastic one.
The antecedents of the Sudanese man is currently under investigation, officials said.
The plane was carrying 87 passengers.
Hmmm. Hakim Muhammad: Hakim Muhammad, 20, faces a felony charge of conspiracy to commit assault, Blicher said. Muhammad remained in jail, with bail set at $750,000.Could this be a fidel-on-infidel hate-hate crime?
Ten years since Boondock Saints,
since the McManus brothers,
since Agent Smecker;
ten long years,
that's the situation I'm talking about.
10/17 We received
Assassination of a High School President
10/17 We shipped
10/17 We shipped
Sin Nombre
10/17 We received
The Class
I heard it today, Barack got a prizeDesmond Tutu ain't got nothin' on me.
Seams theyre dishin peace, prizes left and right
If you wanna prize, you can do it to
Theres just a few things, that you gotta do
Im mowing the lawn
You get a peace prize
Doing the laundry
Thats a peace prize
Im grooming my dog
Peace prize
He seems to like it
Thats a peace prize
You, get a peace prize
He, gets a peace prize
I, get a peace prize
Everybody, gets a peace prize
They gave a peace prize, to our president
Hed only been prez, for two weeks by then
The same time he takes, to dust his smokes
Some people call this, nobel prize a joke
But remember yall, Big O gives us hope
More hope for all man, even for the pope
This award aint for, anything he did
But for things he promises that he will
The first man to win, a peace prize for hope
Bankrupt America, The man is dope
Obama wants change, see it in his eyes
If you do to, youve earned yourself a prize
Im in the hot tub
Peace prize
Im doing some dips
Peace prize
Showing potential
Peace prize
Being a black guy
Gets a peace prize
Im making a sandwich
Thats a peace prize
Shes eating the sandwich
Peace prize
Its delicious
Heres a peace prize
Uh, yeah peace prize
The Nobel prize, aint given to fools
The whole committee, Went to greater schools
They thought Barack, Was Nobel worthy
they decided to, look at his story
He was voted to, be our president
Then they closed the books, The man is in
His namell go down, with other cool cats
Al Gore, Carter, Yasser Araffat
The prize aint always given to the best
Its got to be, politically correct
Thats why its not, everybody wins
For what not to do, Take a look at him
Liberate Iraq
You get no peace prize
Curb AIDS in Africa
No peace prize
Your last name is Bush
You get no peace prize
Ha, no peace prize
Obama, gets a peace prize
Automatic, Peace Prize
Huh, peace prize
Everybody, peace prize
Gap pocket-t $10.50, as worn by
ANDREW SULLIVAN, editor/writer.
Photographed by Annie Leibovitz
From the Contento Photo Archives
1992? 1993?
THE CLOSET STRAIGHT: When Andrew Sullivan Pleads for gay marriage, has he thought about what marriage is?:Not love-love, nope; but love, you bet.
"The Politics of Homosexuality" confirms, at length, what anyone who has been with Andrew Sullivan can grasp within five minutes: he regards his erotic life as the center of his being, but he also conveys the most powerful need to seek that erotic fulfillment within a framework of domesticity, of the normal and the natural. The most persisting thread of anguish in the essay is the pain of awareness and reconciliation in his own family, with the recurring memory of his father weeping when Andrew declared, as he says, his sexuality. Sullivan reserves some of his most stinging words for the producers of a "queer" politics, aimed at "cultural subversion." That brand of politics would simply confirm the strangeness of homosexuals, and deepen the separation from their families
. . .
But the secret that dare not speak its name is that he really is, after all, a domesticated man, settled in his marriage. As a writer and a man, Andrew Sullivan is committed to an understanding of political life that finds its ground in nature. And he takes, as the core of our civic life, marriage and the laws that sustain marriage. For all of that, we here, composed, as we are, of eros and of dust, love him.
In the arena of football, Rush has been burned by such false accusations of racism before. His stint as an NFL commentator was abbreviated when he noted that there exists in professional football a racial stereotype holding that blacks make poor quarterbacks,and that certain sports writers wished to see the Philadelphia Eagles’ black quarterback, Donovan McNabb, succeed, for reasons racial and political. Rush was punished for speaking a truth so unexceptional and obvious that even the liberal web magazine Slate was forced to acknowledge: “Rush Limbaugh Was Right: Donovan McNabb isn’t a great quarterback, and the media do overrate him because he is black.”
Rush’s audience is full of fans who first tuned in expecting to be offended by the hateful, arrogant, screaming oaf of media caricature, only to discover that Rush, for all his puckishness, is in fact a serious man, funny and self-deprecating. He is also a man who spends 15 hours a week making the case for liberty and American exceptionalism — and the case against overweening liberalism — in one of America’s most important public forums. For that he will never be forgiven
Speaking of smoking, nah, speaking of the truth, the whole truth, nuttin' but the truth, trooly troo trooth as found only in the Wikipedia place -- that place where all the true journalists do their true research -- anti-smoker Hitler, yes that Hitler, Adolf Hitler, Chancellor Hitler, Hitler of many titles Hitler, Chancellor Fuhrer Hitler, Führer und Reichskanzler Hitler, Führer und Oberster Befehlshaber der Wehrmacht Hitler, Führer des Großdeutschen Reiches Hitler, dreamed not only of a thousand year run, but dreamed also of a tobacco free reich. Part of health care reform, no doubt. It's for the kindervolk.
The NFL, like Congress, is mostly a pack of sell-outsSmitty don't need no stinkin' NFL.
who've lost their way, and deserve to be ignored.
Which I've more or less done with the NFL since
around the Reagan administration.