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44 minutes ago
Trata a los demas como quisieras que te traten a ti.
Today is a day for mourning and remembering. Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger. We know we share this pain with all of the people of our country. This is truly a national loss.-- Ronald Wilson Reagan
I've always had great faith in and respect for our space program. And what happened today does nothing to diminish it. We don't hide our space program. We don't keep secrets and cover things up. We do it all up front and in public. That's the way freedom is, and we wouldn't change it for a minute.
For the families of the seven, we cannot bear, as you do, the full impact of this tragedy. But we feel the loss, and we're thinking about you so very much. Your loved ones were daring and brave, and they had that special grace, that special spirit that says, "Give me a challenge, and I'll meet it with joy." They had a hunger to explore the universe and discover its truths. They wished to serve, and they did. They served all of us.
The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and "slipped the surly bonds of earth" to "touch the face of God."
It lives on in the 8-year-old boy in Louisiana, who just sent me his allowance and asked if I would give it to the people of Haiti.My friend DH:
It lives on in the young boy who sent me his tears for the people of Haiti to drink ...
The jig is up. ObamaCare is dead.That's a soothing tonic.
Re: W2More reports, please, Sir.
"I go to a gym here on the south side every day at lunch. It's a very integrated neighborhood and it's mostly me and the old black guys at noon so the locker room sounds like a south side barber shop. Lot's of unfounded opinions really loud. Today after one of the guys declared that Daley was going to lose next time ... but declined taking any of my money on the bet ... we started throwing around who could beat him. The ideas ranged from Oprah to Rahm Emanuel. I ventured that Obama might need a job soon and the consensus was "that liar couldn't win in Chicago" by now. And those were brothers. Really."
Read it all at HillBuzz.Without getting into the ugly details and specifics, because we’re trying to cling to some semblance of privacy and a personal life here, we were warned two weeks ago to discontinue our support for Republican candidate Scott Brown or suffer consequences for backing him, at the expense of Martha Coakley. We were told, point blank, by Democrats in Chicago that people on the Left had “had enough with (us), and were going to come after (us), in a big way” if we didn’t stop rallying the troops for Scott Brown’s win over Coakley. We were given the ultimatum: either drop our support for Brown and the Left would leave us alone, or continue speaking out on Hottie McAwesome’s behalf and “just see what happens”.Well, never let it be said that a hot and awesome guy needed help and we just sat there and did nothing, especially not when we felt America itself was at stake with what’s been going on in the Senate lately.
We told you previously that a main reason we aggressively backed Brown for the Senate seat was because of the way Democrats conducted themselves in the week before Christmas.
By Jill Dorson, FoolbitchDon't bother to read the
I am a registered Independent. I voted for Barack Obama. And for that, I am sorry.
“Are you forging your dad’s signature there?”Without missing a beat he says
“No. I need a different pen for that.”Grabbing another pen, he goes on about his work -- then he holds up the form and says
“What do you think? Quality?”And sure enough there is his signature followed by his dad’s.
James Brown I Feel GoodHit those links and hit the office floor and make your groove thing groove like in the olden days.
Chic: Good Times
Whiney whiners still blaming Bush.The congenitally stupid and historically illiterate son of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (Drunkard - Mass.) says a Republican victory in the race for his father's Senate seat is a sign that the American public is out for "blood."
As election returns came in Tuesday night, Rep. Patrick "Patsie" Kennedy (Moron-R.I.) said in typical liberal bigot-speak it's clear that voters wanted “a whipping boy” for all the lost jobs and foreclosed homes.
“It’s like in Roman times, they’d be trotted out to the coliseum and the lions would be brought out,” Kennedy told reporters at the Capitol on Tuesday night. “I mean, they’re wanting blood and they’re not getting it so they want to protest, and, you know, you can’t blame them. But frankly, the fact is we inherited this mess and it’s becoming ours."
Kerry Warns of "Dangerous Atmosphere" Around Brown RalliesHow does democracy work in Massachusetts? Let's ask Mary Jo Kopechne.
Daniel Foster - The Corner on NRO
Spandex and lycra afficianado Sen. John Kerry (Gigolo, Mass.) thinks Scott Brown’s rallies in the Bay State are “reminiscent of the dangerous atmosphere of Sarah Palin’s 2008 campaign rallies,” the Boston Globe is reporting.
FairyKerry says Brown supporters have engaged in “bullying and intimidation tactics” in the past few days and suggests that some of them may even be from out of state. (Would the senator rather keep the race local?)
“I'm no stranger to hard fought campaigns, particularly as a loser, but what we've seen in the past few days is way over the line and reminiscent of the dangerous atmosphere of Sarah Palin's 2008 campaign rallies. This is not how democracy works in Massachusetts,” Kerry said in a written statement Monday.
“The former Alaska governor, whose book, Going Rogue: An American Life, became a bestseller weeks before it was released and remains No. 2 on the New York Times bestseller list, has signed a multi-year deal to offer her political commentary and analysis across all Fox News platforms, including Fox Business Channel, FoxNews.com and Fox News Radio.
She will also participate in special event political programming for Fox Broadcasting.
"I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at Fox News. It's wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balanced news," Palin said in a written release......”
Richard John Neuhaus, 1936–2009Me? This ain't about me. But since we're talking about me what the heck. I always enjoy Father Neuhous' Public Square stuff in First Things. And he responded -- quickly, personally and wittily-- to a note I once sent him from San Diego. I'll get back to you if I can dig out that letter he sent me.
Thursday, January 8, 2009, 10:15 AM
Fr. Richard John Neuhaus slipped away today, January 8,shortly before 10 o’clock at the age of seventy-two. He never recovered from the weakness that sent him to the hospital the day after Christmas, caused by a series of side effects from the cancer he was suffering. He lost consciousness Tuesday evening after a collapse in his heart rate, and the next day, in the company of friends, he died.
Ours must be the first society in history that has tried to stop the killers by imposing collective punishment on ourselves.Read it all here.
How did we arrive at this absurd impasse? Because of our elaboratelyoverdeveloped concern for human rights, combined with our towering fear of the hurt feelings of Muslims. If everyone is equal, then differential treatment must be raaaaacist, which is why we have decided that your grandma from Moose Jaw gets the same pat-down as a devout young male Muslim from Nigeria who did a recent stint at a religious school in Yemen.
Neither Barack Obama nor anybody else in authority is willing to state the plain and simple facts: that Islamism is on the rise worldwide, that the vast majority of terrorists who attack the West are young Muslim men, that such young men are a demographic time bomb in the Islamic world, that no security system can ever stop them all. Instead of telling us to hold our bladders, maybe they should start to tell the truth...
The Religion of Peace (and a big stack of dead bodies)Trooth in advertising is refreshing.
As for Peter Brown in Massachusetts, he must be thinking tonight that perhaps there is something afoot, the beginnings of a fundamental shift in the political landscape.
After reading many positive posts about Scott Brown on The Corner, I thought I'd stop by one of his regional campaign offices and pick up a lawn sign. Wow, was I blown away by how packed the place was with volunteers and activity. In fact, there were a number of folks there who had also stopped by and we had to wait in line just to get a lawn sign. This is at 2pm on a weekday when most of Brown's supporters are likely at work. This weekend will be nuts, I'm sure.The beefcake pics probably helped. Dunno.
On Monday afternoon, Plummer, 37, and several relatives went to an apartment in the 1900 block of Cameron Drive to take Plummer’s 18-year-old daughter away from an unwelcome and unnamed 18-year-old chedderhead boyfriend, according to a statement prepared by Madison police officer Mike Hanson.This would work for
The Wedding BanquetYou'll have to look those up yourselves.
The Betrayal
The Machine Girl
Bacchanales Sexuelles
The Fearless Vampire Killers