Sunday, September 12, 2010

Velveeta Sundae

Was marketing at Kroger the other day,
standing in front of the fish sticks freezer, wondering
where are the Lundberg rice cakes, where's the organic
Silk soymilk -- chocolate, light -- when I spotted
three burly local lads walking toward me. They stopped
at the butchers'counter just in front of me, one,
leaning in, asked the butcheress:
Where's the Velveeta at?

Hey now, name brand or generic, I couldda told 'em.

And over at the WalMart SuperCenter, you got your 
shells'n'cheese, original AND new-style:

One doesn't see this back in Studio City
Not at Gelson's. Or even Trader Joe's.
I'm no food snob, nope; and whether or not I purchased 
any Velveeta that day or so do in the future, well, that's
nobody's business. Heh.
I'm just glad to be back and shopping again in America.

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