Received this in the comments today, in an earlier post.
Take a moment to watch this tribute and to think about Cpl Claudio Patino IV, and his loving family and friends.
Want My DNA? Get a Warrant
2 hours ago
Trata a los demas como quisieras que te traten a ti.
Two Marines based out of Twentynine Palms were killed this week fighting in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, officials announced Thursday.Claudio Patino IV, 22
Corporal Claudio Patino IV, of Yorba Linda, and Corporal Kevin A. Cueto of Santa Clara were both killed Tuesday, in separate incidences.
Cueto was killed by an IED blast while in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, according to a press release issued by the U.S. Marine Corps.
Patino was killed by small arms fire while patrolling against enemy forces in the same area, a separate release by the U.S.M.C. said.
Story from: Big Journalism.No wonder his hybrid driving son is on drugs....marijuana, Valium, Xanax, Vicodin, Adderall and Soma.
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin greets as she takes the stage during the P.U.R.E. celebration at Gwinnett Arena in Duluth presented by The P.U.R.E. Ministry Project, a ministry of Zachariah's Way. HYOSUB SHIN HSHIN@AJC.COMVIA Texas For Sarah Palin
I told him from day one, 'You're supposed to bury me, I'm not supposed to bury you.' I told him, 'I love this country, but I don't know if I love it enough to give up a son for it.'
— Gordon Treber, father
Treber, who had recently married, died six weeks after arriving in Iraq for his first combat tour. He and two other soldiers drown when their vehicle crashed into a canal. One of Treber's last acts was to free another soldier from his seatbelt and give him his airpocket. "He knew there was not enough room for both of us to breathe," the lone surviving soldier said to a military news service.
Do please read more about Army Sgt. James M. Treber here, here and here. And look at photographs here.In addition to his father and mother, Treber is survived by his wife, Tamila, of Fayetteville, N.C.; his stepmother, Nicole; two brothers, Gordon Treber Jr. of San Diego and Daniel Hunt of San Mateo, Calif.; two sisters, Barbara Hunt of Orange and Angel Hunt of Modesto; and his grandparents, Paul and Kate Treber of Colton, Ore., and Nathan and Thelma Jacques of Mohave Valley, Ariz.
He could get anything with that smile. It made him one of the more popular kids in high school. He was definitely one of the cooler kids. We never figured him for a soldier.
— Shinae Kim, sister
California's Board of Registered Nursing has discovered that some 3,500 of its nurses have been punished for misconduct by other states — hundreds even had their licenses revoked — while maintaining clean licenses in California.
As many as 2,000 of these nurses now will face discipline in California, officials estimate. That's more registered nurses than the state has sanctioned in the last four years combined.Flo Nightingale? Methinks not:
The board's discovery was prompted by a Times/ProPublica investigation last year that found hundreds of instances in which California nurses had been sanctioned elsewhere for sexual abuse, neglect, rampant drug use and criminality but could work freely in California.
Read it all here. Marci Nablo, who surrendered her Florida nursing license in 2007 after admitting that she stole the painkiller Fentanyl from patients' pain pumps, replaced it with saline and injected the drug under her tongue. She also was accused of paying a hospital janitor for urine and hiding it in her bra so she could pass a drug test. After she stole drugs in Pennsylvania, her license in that state was suspended in 2008.
Karen Vivian, whose license was suspended by Nebraska in 2008 after she made nine medication errors, including putting ear drops into a patient's eye. A mental health exam found that she had bipolar disorder that "made her vulnerable in the work environment," board records said. A year later, she also surrendered her Minnesota license.
Gregory Ashmore, [male nurse alert] whose Tennessee license was revoked in 2002 after he engaged in sexual intercourse with a patient at the mental health facility where he worked.
A prostitute who was choked and left for dead by a john on Chicago's Far South Side survived the attack and later pointed police to a man now linked to three slayings in the Roseland and West Pullman neighborhoods, police and prosecutors said Sunday.Hmmm. Not only a thug sporting bootlegged Boom3 gear, but also a community organizer...
For about the past month, Johnson had worked as a canvasser for Grassroots Campaigns, a company that does canvassing work in Chicago for ASPCA and Save the Children, said Wes Jones, the national canvass director for Grassroots Campaigns. Jones said Johnson would have been primarily stationed in public areas with pedestrian traffic, like downtown Chicago sidewalks.Read it all here.
Grassroots Campaigns staff was on the front lines of electing President Obama. We registered hundreds of thousands of voters in states from Nevada to Iowa to North Carolina. We recruited and trained hundreds of volunteers to get out the vote.
Grassroots Campaigns brings together an experienced team of organizers and campaign professionals to provide the progressive community with grassroots fundraising and organizing strategies that can help build a powerful and winning progressive majority in America.
Morrow was a machine gunner on a Humvee when he was wounded by an improvised explosive device in Balad. He died June 27. His body arrived in the United States on the Fourth of July, his father's birthday.
Jason Morrow had taken the machine gunner's role just over a week after the previous gunner, one of his best friends, had also been killed by a roadside bomb, said his father, William Morrow.
Cpl Jason W. Morrow, USMC, Operation Iraqi Freedom; Operation Enduring Freedom
Our son Jason Morrow had always wanted to be a Marine since childhood. He was granted his most precious dream on December 9, 2002. He lived is dream, loved his family, and protected the innocent to the fullest. He was liked by all who knew him; he loved those he know. His love was baseball and hotdogs with his favorite team the Angels; he loved family events where he could be himself; and be a Marine, who are and will always be the BEST on this planet. He was loved by so many but no one loved him more than us; his family who knew him best. He will be missed but not forgotten. He will always be our HERO.
July 04, 2007
Dearest Son-
It has been a year since we met you at Ontario Airport. All I know is that your father and I stood in silence and wept as they brought you out from the flight with Old Glory on your casket. Your father and I have never felt such heart ache. I know you are safe now, I know you are in a better place now; but you are loved and still very much missed by your family. You had what most people never find in a life time, true friends. You would have been so proud of Tim, your brother from another mother. We miss you. Thank you for your wonderful memories that you left with all of us. We continue to miss you.
~ Kristin Morrow, Riverside, California
A painfully shy teenager who hadn't distinguished himself in school, Ceniceros gained confidence and a sense of identity in the Marines. His fellow Marines were his brothers. His dog, a Labrador mix named Tank, was usually wearing some kind of Marine Corps bandanna.
"My husband, for most of his life, had never felt like he owned anything or stood for anything, because he was so quiet and so shy. When he was in high school, he wasn't known for anything at all. But when he became a Marine, it was like he owned that."
— Elizabeth Ceniceros, widow
By MICHAEL ORENIn a small Jerusalem café, I sat with Noam Shalit and tried to discuss his son, Gilad. I say tried because each time Noam, a soft-spoken, bespectacled man, began a sentence, the owner of the café rushed over with complimentary plates of humus, salads and desserts. Passersby, glimpsing Noam through the window, burst inside to embrace him. "We are with you," they cried. "We will get our Gilad home."That our is the key to understanding the devotion that Israelis feel for Gilad Shalit. The Israel Defense Forces is a citizens' army in which most young men serve for a minimum of three years, followed by several decades of reserve duty. Young women serve for at least two. Our soldiers are literally our parents, our siblings, our children. Israel is also a small country with few if any degrees of separation between families. Even those who have never met the Shalits know someone who has. And all of us have loved ones—a brother, a son—who could suffer the same ordeal that Gilad began four years ago today.
Early on the morning of June 25, 2006, Hamas terrorists—using a tunnel secretly excavated during a cease-fire with Israel—infiltrated across the Gaza border and attacked an IDF base. Firing rocket grenades and automatic weapons, they killed two soldiers—Lt. Hanan Barak and Sgt. Pavel Slutzker, both 20—and kidnapped the 19-year-old corporal, Gilad Shalit. The IDF promptly launched a massive manhunt in Gaza, suffering an additional five fatalities, but failed to find the abductors. Hamas, meanwhile, demanded that Israel release more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, most of them convicted terrorists, in exchange for Gilad's freedom.
Since then, Gilad's parents, Noam and Aviva Shalit, have only received three letters from their son as well as a brief video showing an emaciated hostage with a haunted expression and lightless eyes. Hamas has refused to allow the Red Cross or other NGOs to visit Gilad, or to permit mail or aid packages to reach him. And to mock the Shalit family's suffering, Hamas has staged re-enactments of the kidnapping, most recently in a Gaza summer camp, and plays in which actors portraying Gilad beg for their release. An animated Hamas film depicts an aged Noam Shalit grieving over his son's coffin.
The plight of Gilad Shalit poses painful dilemmas. Should Israel negotiate with Hamas, a terror organization sworn to its destruction, and unleash hundreds of terrorists, many of whom will quickly return to murdering? Or can Israel leave Gilad to languish alone indefinitely, prolonging his family's agony and undermining the faith in which other families send their children to battle?
There are no easy answers. Yet Israel has consistently sought to secure Gilad's freedom through the good offices of intermediaries, all the while striving to reconcile the nation's security needs with the time-honored Jewish principle of pidayon shivuyim, the redemption of prisoners.
The struggle to bring Gilad home has become a national passion for Israelis. His birthday and the anniversary of his abduction are both commemorated with dramatic public events. In one such rally, some 2,000 young people sailed a "freedom for Gilad" fleet of homemade rafts across the Sea of Galilee. Photographs of Gilad as a whimsical teenager loom from public walls and flutter on flags from car antennas. His name is emblazoned on bracelets popular among Israeli youth and the days of his captivity are displayed on a booth near the prime minister's residence.
But the campaign to free Gilad Shalit is hardly limited to Israel. The mayors of Miami and New Orleans have made him an honorary citizen, as have the cities of Paris and Rome. President Nicolas Sarkozy has declared Gilad's release "a top French priority," and President Barack Obama has further condemned his "inhumane detention."
Nevertheless, Gilad Shalit remains in solitary confinement—in spite of the protests and his parents' unflagging appeals to the international community. Lost in the recent tumult surrounding Israel's efforts to block Iranian and Syrian arms shipments to Hamas, which has fired 10,000 rockets at Israeli civilians to date, is the unending nightmare of the Shalit family. Their pain is shared by countless Israelis and well-wishers worldwide. We must not rest until our Gilad is once again safely at home.
Mr. Oren is Israel's ambassador to the United States.
At the family home in San Diego, Dominguez's father, Antonio, said he still feels his only son's presence.
The two men would often nudge the women out of the kitchen so they could make ribs, shrimp and salads -- usually with a bit too much garlic, as Dominguez preferred. Fishing trips to La Paz, Mexico, where Dominguez was born, were common.
My name is SFC Cosio im a real good friend of Alex,we where in Ft Irwin and Ft Hood together. I remember the last day he was at my house with his wife Brenda and daughter alexa, he left my house around midnight straight to get his bag and get dropped off by his wife at the company, the last words he told me was " take care of my daughtr and wife compa ill be back soon" i miss you alex good bless you man, I got your family on what ever they need compa.....
— Ulises Cosio
June 28, 2008 at 1:29 p.m.
Alejandro would light up a room with his smile. We will always remember spending time with him near his grandmother's house in Ensenada. We love you Alex. Randy, Alanna, Nathan, and Nikki Williams
— Randy and Alanna Williams
June 28, 2008 at 8:18 p.m.
Best friends growing up. Alex was like my brother. Always with his family or mine. Never a dull moment or a sad face when he was around. May you rest in piece, my true and only brother. Love you always, Miguel Osuna(JR)...
— Miguel Osuna
June 29, 2008 at 9:29 a.m.
Alejandro took time to visit the kids at Cater Elementary. The kids loved to see him and visit with him. He was so tall and friendly. They thought that he was their hero...which he is!
God Bless!
— Connie S.
June 29, 2008 at 5:26 p.m.
I remember the day Alejandro came to Cater Elementary. Many of the children looked at him with an expression of awe on their faces. Brenda introduced me to him and I could see the face of a proud wife next to him. May he rest in peace. God bless you Brenda, baby Alexa and both families.
— Yasmin R.
June 30, 2008 at 10 a.m.
I know Alex since middle school and throughout High School.I remember him always as a tough but very friendly guy. My heart goes out to his wife, children and his family. Stay strong for Alex and know that he was a good person with always other people's well being in mind. I thank him for protecting our country. HE WILL BE MISSED.
— Abraham Valdez
June 30, 2008 at 2:34 p.m.
I know Alex from middle school and high school,such a great person very NICE friendly guy... The way he will be remembered by all... He is our hero. God bless his family. You will be missed.
— Claudia Salgado
June 30, 2008 at 5:24 p.m.
July 1, 2008 at 8:52 a.m.
Alex and I became good friends when I moved into the neighborhood around eighth grade. We became very close and developed an awesome friendship. He became part of my family walking into my house at all hours unannouced, I enjoyed all the moments we got to spend together, all the summers at the pool and just growing up with him was a blessing. He was a caring and loving person. I remember when Alex and Brenda started dating, she was the first girl he's ever fallen for! I'm grateful to have had a great friend like him. Thanks for all the memories my family and I will miss you deeply. You and your family will be in my prayers.
— Elvira Barrows
July 1, 2008 at 4:03 p.m.
I remember back in 11th grade I decided to play cupid and set up a blind date with my friend Brenda and Alex. He fell in love immediately! Well who wouldve thought they would end up married with the most beautiful baby girl. I know for a fact he devoted all his time to keep his family happy and made sure they had everything they needed. So glad to have been a part of your life. A great husband, father, and friend. May you rest in peace. We will miss you, and dont worry I WILL watch out for your girls. Love you always.
— Veronica Chavez
July 2, 2008 at 12:11 a.m.
Hanging out at Southwest High, after school at Lil Vero's house, clubbing, those were the good old days that I will cherish and never forget. I know you loved your job, and thank you for defending our country. We all love you and miss you. I know you'll be watching over us.
— Noemi (MiMi) Rodriguez
July 2, 2008 at 2:58 p.m.
I remember Alex loved to wear overalls. no matter what people said to him, he took it in with a smile. SOH '02
— Diana Sanchez
July 3, 2008 at 7:27 a.m.
Lo recordamos desde Ensenada, Mexico como un bebe hermoso
— Familia Higuera Gutierrez
July 3, 2008 at 1:16 p.m.
Alex always had a smile. One of the kindest people we went to school with. Thank you to Alex and his family for their service to our country, we lost another hero. You will be missed.
— Charlene Zambrano
July 3, 2008 at 2:16 p.m.
Alex was an amazing person. I met him when I was in the sixth grade. He was a loving and caring person. It has been a while since I last spoke to him but I always thought of him like a big brother. Alex, you will forever be in my heart, I will miss you deeply. To his family, I am very sorry for your loss, he was and always will be a hero.
— Erica Garcia
July 3, 2008 at 6:59 p.m.
I live here in Killeen Tx..(Ft hood) I met Alex one week before he left to Iraq. I still occasionally see his wife and daughter. I am so sad to hear of this. I've been telling his wife often that his daughter looks so much like him.. I know he will live through her. My heart goes to the FAM and close friends of alex, as I know I wouldn't have seen him again till he came home. Im sorry for your loss,and may god be with all of you at this time.
— Trina Varcasia
July 5, 2008 at 9:26 p.m.
He was a great friend!!!!!!! I knew the guy since sunnyslope school!! I remember going to church and then wonderland!! My heart goes out to his wife, family and kids!! You are a hero you will be missed!!
— Daniela Copenhaver
July 7, 2008 at 8:42 p.m.
He was a really good friend from elementery he was always happy and a very good friend he was very funny and he will be missed by many my condolences goes out to his wife kids and to his mother, father and sister.
— Elizabeth Canal
July 8, 2008 at 8:15 a.m.
I knew Alex since jr high and high school. He was a great guy, always happy and ready to help. I am so sorry for your loss. He was a hero to all of us, he did what most of us cant do.
God bless
— Ada Rivapalacio
July 8, 2008 at 8:53 a.m.
Alex was one of those people who always had a huge smile on his face. A very sweet guy. My heart goes out to his loved one's may God bless you.
Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow,
May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow.
— Pamela Arballo
July 8, 2008 at 10:48 a.m.
I'm gonna miss you so much brother!!!!!!!!!!
— christian cuellar
July 12, 2008 at 6:59 p.m.
Dominguez was my husband's soldier in my husband's second tour to Irak and during his time in Fort Irwin, CA. It Alejandro's first tour to Irak... I remember his wife being pregnant at the same time I was, right after they got Back from Irak... My husband and him shared many moments together and we will never forget him... My deepest condolence to his wife, and family. May God bless you always.
— Familia Amador: SSG Amador, Ruth, Naraya and Aidan
July 12, 2008 at 10:20 p.m.
August 11, 2008 at 10:32 a.m.
We lived nextdoor to Alex and his Sister and Parents. We watched Alex grow up. He was like a son to us. When my Stepdaughter came to live with us she became his "Other Sister". Alex was family. We moved away and did not see him after he joined the Army. Alex is an inspiration to us. We feel sadness but more we feel glad that he became a wonderful man. He grew up, found love and had a beautiful Family and had a career he loved. Our love and prayers to his Family,wife and children. We know you are watching over us all....we will keep the door unlocked for you!!!
— Leslie Sanchez
August 23, 2008 at 6:02 p.m.
My most sincere condolences to my friend Brenda, his kids, parents, sister of Alex and all of his friends. He was a very happy guy with whom I shared a lot of high school memories including the day he told me he wanted to enroll in the Army. I told him he was crazy but I stayed quiet as he told me that the Army was going to help him achieve his goals and that he wanted to serve his country...Thank you for your service Alex.. A few days ago i learned of his death, I'm still in shock and I wish I could have said to him what a great friend he was. Every time I think of him I remember the last time I saw him; he was very happy and in love!he was very proud to tell me how much he loved you, Brenda and that he wanted to marry you.
To everyone who is suffering his loss!remember his smile and remember that he was proud to serve the country and he is now serving in heaven were all the heroes go when we cant seen them anymore. Love Always!!
— Blanca Acosta
August 26, 2008 at 2:11 p.m.
Alex Fue un Gran Amigo De mi Hijo Alex Todavia recuerdo cuando se graduaron en San Diego Recuerdo cuantas Iluciones Cuantos Suenos beo sus Fotos y aqui esta Con nosotros ...ALEX you'll always be in our hearts for ever.
— Marilu Duenas
August 29, 2008 at 7:07 p.m.
I was fortunate enough to meet him in high school in 11th grade. When i found out, i didnt want to believe it. My heart goes out to his family, wife and kids. I know for a fact Alex is up in heaven watching out for his family every second of every day. We'll miss you amigo.
— Omar Roque
August 31, 2008 at 9:55 p.m.
i really didnt know him, but i feel really sad that he died bacause he died on my b-day, and just for that im doing a portrait of him...
— karla cruz
October 14, 2008 at 7:57 a.m.
I love you primo you will always be in my heart! I miss you a lot.... YOU ARE OUR HERO!! YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN....
— Vane Morales
October 24, 2008 at 3:16 p.m.
Growing up in Oceanside, San diego, I remember how we all grew up with the military in the background wherever we went.
I like you answered the call 25 years ago and just retired, I made it home but know Sergeant that because of you other men lived, that is the true devotion of a man. To sacrifice so that others may live. I made it home, and think about each and every one of you everyday of my life.
Thank You and I salute you and your family.
1SG Richard DuLac (US Army Ret)
Oceanside Calif
— Richard DuLac
December 29, 2008 at 2:53 p.m.
My love goes out to his wife & kids his lil sister & his mom & dad.(ONE DAY)I remember going to ensanada with his sister Mom and his Dad to celabrate his 15th birthday.We started the day walking forward but we endend the night both walking backwards. The next day I remember his mom telling us see thats what you get for drinking, while his dad was laughing at us saying you got to learn one day.We didn't drink for awhile.Im sorry brother that I didn't keep in touch after I moved up north. But when I came back I saw you with your new wife at Wallmart and you said you were going to Iraq.You also said when you get back we would kick it. I guess will kick it some day up there. I lOVE MAN ill see you soon......
— -Manuel Atalig
February 1, 2009 at 10:28 a.m.
Alex- D- was my husband as well as my best friend. My husband and him were in the same unit- 3d ACR.. Alex was always at our house and I always made sure there was extra dinner made for him. I remember hugging him the day the guys left telling him I'd see him when he got home. I guess I will see you when I come join you my friend..I will always love you and never forget...
— Amber Meadows
April 15, 2009 at 10:01 a.m.
I knew Alex from when we deployed to Iraq in 2005 with B 1/11 ACR from Fort Irwin, CA. I dealt with him quite a bit as I did most of the guys in the troop as one of the medics. I remember specifically many times that him and I sat down and had great conversations about life and how we'd both dealt with adversities in the past. At the time we both had similar home lives and helped each other work through the long year we spent away from family. He took his job as a soldier seriously and was always a pleasure to be around. I wish his family the best and just want to let them know that he is always in my best of memories and he's dearly missed.
— Adam Howarth
April 19, 2009 at 11:24 p.m.
My heart goes out to his family..... alex was a great guy and soldier he will be missed...B-trp 1/3 ACR
— Spc Chappa Jonathan
April 29, 2009 at 8:40 p.m.
It was an honor to serve with Alejandro, both in B troop, 1/11 ACR in OIF III and in A troop, 1/3 ACR in OIF 07-09. He was a good friend and soldier. He was the hardest working man I know. You will never be forgotten.
— Roy Wright
June 21, 2009 at 8:06 p.m.
Brother it's been a year and a couple of months since you've been gone. I miss you so much that you have no idea. I know you'r in a better place than me but it's just dificult knowing that i wont see you anymore. I want you to know that I Love You with all my heart. Don't worry the babys are going great. I love you and rest in peace.
With Love your little sister,
Alejandra Dominguez
— Alejandra Dominguez
November 9, 2009 at 12:48 p.m.
Alex my old true friend the one who always put a smile on everyones face the one who always did what he could to help people, such a great person, such a brave person I remember your kind heart always true and real.The bravest person I ever meet A true hero the world will not be the same without you I will miss you and will always remember you and my heart goes out to your family. Rest in Peace my friend and may god have you in his glory
— EriKa Morado
December 12, 2009 at 11:42 a.m.
Alex and I were really good friends throughout high school. Will never forget the time that Alex and I went to rosarito beach to ride quads,or when we hung out at the beach on a 4th of july. those were good times right brother? Im not gonna say goodbye to you because you will be in my heart forever. Next time im in S.D im going to come kick it with you. Much love from your true friend Alejandro Duenas.
February 2, 2010 at 9:20 p.m.
Today on this memorial day I remember and celebrate your life Alex. Thank you for your bravery. You were a great person and you are missed. God Bless you and may you rest in peace.
— Eric Montes
May 29, 2010 at 8:56 a.m.
It never gets any easier without you here..I wish you could meet Cayden...I love you and you will always be mine as well as Clint's best friend..
— Amber Meadows
May 29, 2010 at 3:10 p.m.
Alejandro Dominguez
Today at mass in Aliso Viejo our preist talked of the sacrifices of the fallen in Iraq and Afghanstan. There was a basket of names of the fallen and he asked everyone to take from the pile a name. I drew yours. God Bless you and your family.
May 30th, 2010
— Jim
May 30, 2010 at 3:13 p.m.
Pineda was born in El Salvador and came to the U.S. as a child. He was in the process of becoming a citizen. Pineda was rescuing casualties when he was shot and killed.Read more about Corporal Carlos Pineda here and here.
Ana Pineda said her husband was something of a romantic. The day before he died, she received a package from him -- a gold charm with her name on it. A letter she received after his death said, "The Marine Corps may have my body, but you'll always have my heart."
In addition to his wife, Pineda is survived by his mother, Silvia Hernandez; his stepfather, Jose Luis Hernandez; a half brother, Jose Luis, 7; and a half sister, Natalie, 5.
Muy, born in Long Beach, was the son of Cambodian refugees who came to the U.S. after the Vietnam War.Read more about Lance Corporal Veashna Muy here and here.
The 20-year-old was among six troops killed in a suicide car-bomb attack on their convoy in Fallouja, Iraq. Five Marines, two of them women, and a female sailor were killed in the attack.
If he didn't know how to do something, his father said, he would go to the library and teach himself. "He was my renaissance man," he said. "He could do anything."
"He was wonderful," William Dively said. "I can't praise him enough. We can't believe this has happened."Read more about Major Duane W. Dively here and here.
In addition to his father, Dively is survived by his mother, Donata; his wife of 21 years, Beth Ann; and his younger brother, David.
Spencer was buried in Long Island, N.Y., near a tree as he had asked, with the ashes of his golden retriever, Maverick.
He could have visited California in the spring, but wanted to save his trip for this month, when his sister turned 22. His mother now clings to memories of that last party in October, before her son walked into war.
She had gussied up the ground floor of their home for Halloween; the kitchen as if for Thanksgiving; the second floor as for Christmas. Spencer was showered with birthday and Christmas gifts. Most everyone was costumed, including Pfc. Raymond N. Spencer Jr., who attended, as always, as a soldier.Read more about Army Private 1st Class Raymond Nigel Spencer, Jr., here and here.
Tran grew up in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He escaped the country by boat with family members, and lived for several years in a refugee camp in Thailand. Tran was a teenager when he arrived in California. He was killed while on patrol in Baqubah, Iraq, when a roadside bomb exploded.Go here for comments and more about Army Staff Sergeant Hạ Sĩ Nhất
The little beauty looks toward Allah as she chirps:
When we seek martyrdom, we go to heaven.
"[Birds of Paradise] is one of the most widely distributed children's songs group in the Arab world, and it seems to have crossed the ocean to Canada and Britain," wrote journalist Fawzia Nasir al-Naeem in the Saudi Arabian newspaper, Al-Jazirah.Wonderful day in the neighborhood.
"Birds of Paradise" represents a new wave in Jihadist youth indoctrination. It is far more professional, better edited, and presented in a much more kid-friendly style than previous Jihadist children's programming. The themes are easily digestible even for toddlers. Child actors portray Israeli soldiers, all wearing yarmulkes, who ruthlessly gun down other children shown playing and dancing. Minutes later, the kids exact revenge and kill the soldiers.
"He was a rascal -- you would tell him not to do something, and he would do it anyway," said his sister, Pearl Nakamura, 23. She spent a lot of time with her brother, shooting pool, bowling and swimming. They were only one grade apart at Santa Fe High School.
"We got in trouble together," she said.
I will always remember Paul with his red board shorts on top of our ambulances. Oh... and the sight of him launching the FLA over the sand dunes in Kuwait. You will NEVER be forgotten. I miss you.Read more about Paul T. Nakamura, Army Reserve Specialist, here and here and here.
— Victoria Nguyen
June 24, 2009 at 3:06 p.m.
One day he said, 'Mom, Dad, I'm so proud I was born in the United States.' — Yoko Nakamura, mother, talking about her soldier son
His passion was always to be where the action was. He could have stayed at Bethesda Naval Hospital and been a corpsman. My son believed in what he was doing and he kept volunteering. He didn't have to be there.
— Steve Retmier, father
Palin Is The Only Endorsement Anyone WantsIt's also the only endorsement that works.
Matthew Archbold at Creative Minority Report:
"No matter what you think of Palin, I think you'd have to admit she knows a heck of a lot more about oil and energy than The One."Thank you Mr. Santorum, Mr. Archbold, and an especial thanks to Mr. Painter.
For good or bad, images help shape the modern presidency....That iconic moment for Obama may well be the image of him last night, hands folded behind that huge empty desk. He was revealed as an impostor, someone play-acting as president and an interloper in serious matters. There wasn’t anything particularly wrong with what he said – it was that image. He and his presidency seemed shrunken, with the man once considered a political colossus now hiding behind and dwarfed by the props of the office.
Part of the reaction is certainly the steely political calculation by the left that Obama may be a lost cause. But there was also, I think, the flash of insight and the pang of panic by those invested in this president: it is impossible to maintain the pretense that he’s larger than life. The man looks entirely out of his league. For those of us who never bought into the myth, it’s easy to underestimate the demoralizing effect last night seems to have had on Obama’s base. It’s not often that one speech provides an “ah, ha!” moment of lasting impact, but last night may well have been Obama’s.
More about Joshua W. Soto, Army Sargeant here, here here, and here.He was shot in the ankle on his first deployment, but recovered and returned to finish his tour. He later took a brief break in service but missed Army life and returned for two more stints.
"Joshua my best friend I miss you so much you were strong and gentle and all about the soldiers you were a primary example of what a leader is suppose to be you are greatly missed my brother in arms and I will always love you, miss you and honor you my hero Joshua Soto."
— ronald rodas
April 3, 2010 at 10:04 a.m.
Growing up in Pomona, Baez was a mischievous boy who played practical jokes on his family and loved chasing after his siblings in their backyard, which they called the "jungle" because of its numerous guava and banana trees.Cesar O. Baez:
The eldest of seven children, Baez took pride in his big brother role and faithfully looked out for his family. A sketch that Baez submitted to a magazine contest won the youth four tickets to Disneyland -- but not enough for his entire family, his mother said.
"He told [the magazine] if his whole family can't go, then he didn't want to go, so finally they gave us nine tickets," she said. "It was nice. I think it's the only time we ever went as a family."