Well, it was 220 times stabbed, but who'd be counting, 'cept Khandi Alexander?
Which is the stabber and which the stabbee? I get those gals mixed up.

Who betrayed whom? Dunno.
Who's the lover and who's the beloved? Beats me.
Who's the husband and who's the wife? Sorry, can't tell you.
Which favored flannel shirts?
Either way, it's sad sad sad. Sad.
But that's relationships in the 21st century for ya.
And I'm not pointing any finger here. Nor making light of a passion tragedy. Lord knows I felt some'o'dat love rage myself back in the 20th Century.
I've moved on.
For the most part anyway.
Speaking of rage, I read some'o'the Puffington Host today, but only because it was required professionally. I mean really. Who still cares -- well, who cares except Obama voters -- what's said over there? C'mon, they publish Sean Penn and Alec Baldwin. What else do we need to know? But, if you're going that way, so to speak, better off going to Mugger's SpliceToday or Tina's The Daily Beast. Unlike Arianna, at least Mugger and Tina are not unhappy. Or if they are, their sites don't show it.
And Puffington? It's entirely coincidental that one of their "writers" is a murderess.
And though it's noted in this article, but not in any alarming way, full disclosure requires that I mention that sometime I go to Bally Total Fitness too, just like murderess Burger.
In my neighborhood it's fondly referred to as the prison gym. But only because of the tats on the recently released felons in the free weight section of the Bally's I go to. They're not all like that, I don't imagine. Not all felons up there pumping in the free weight room.
More often I go to LaLaFitness. Prettier clientele. And less of the Pine Sol scent. In either gym I pretty much stay outta the locker room and -- so far -- the steam room -- but so what? That's not your business anyway. Let's get to the point here.
Everyone is all talking about gay marriage.
Mostly around here everyone's saying everyone should have the right to get married.
Proposition 8 this. Proposition 8 that. Vote yes on Proposition 8 Vote No on Proposition 8 blah blah snore.
I love weddings. I cry at weddings. Then I skip the reception. Who wants to dance? Not me. Hell, my groove thing broke down. Long ago. Before Larry LeVan died. Or Dan Hartman. Or Sylvester. Or Studio 54. But more to the point?
Why are we talking about "gay" marriage?
I want to talk about "gay" divorce. Uh huh. D-I-V-O-R-C-E.
Let's talk about the hate that dare not speak its name.
Yeah, gay divorce.
I'd say this is a good time to bring up gay divorce. Got any laws -- to say nothing of customs or traditions -- covering that? I'm just asking.
Speaking of "gay divorce," how you think I should vote on Prop 8 next week?
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