Anyone feeling safer yet?
Odd sizing on this one. Not going to attempt to figure this out. Just clicketh here for full size. ... Okay, took a few days but I figured out the sizing thing.
Want My DNA? Get a Warrant
38 minutes ago
Trata a los demas como quisieras que te traten a ti.
Our legal immigration system must continue to welcome those who seek to embrace America’s blessings and abide by the legal and orderly system that is in place. The American people have every right to expect the federal government to secure our borders and prevent illegal immigration. It has become all too easy for some in Washington to ignore the desperation and urgency of those like the citizens of Arizona who are disproportionately wrestling with this problem as well as the violence, drug trafficking and lawlessness that spills over from across the border.Does anyone speak more sanely than Marco Rubio?
States certainly have the right to enact policies to protect their citizens, but Arizona’s policy shows the difficulty and limitations of states trying to act piecemeal to solve what is a serious federal problem. From what I have read in news reports, I do have concerns about this legislation. While I don’t believe Arizona’s policy was based on anything other than trying to get a handle on our broken borders, I think aspects of the law, especially that dealing with ‘reasonable suspicion,’ are going to put our law enforcement officers in an incredibly difficult position. It could also unreasonably single out people who are here legally, including many American citizens. Throughout American history and throughout this administration we have seen that when government is given an inch it takes a mile.
I hope Congress and the Obama Administration will use the Arizona legislation not as an excuse to try and jam through amnesty legislation, but to finally act on border states’ requests for help with security and fix the things about our immigration system that can be fixed right now – securing the border, reforming the visa and entry process, and cracking down on employers who exploit illegal immigrants. --Marco Rubio
I spent one week on the Tea Party Express' three week bus tour across the country. In each city from Searchlight to Sioux St. Marie to Washington D.C., this great group of patriots and I were received by throngs of loving, passionate Americans who share our concern about the TYRANNY that has hijacked our government. It's amazing how many different creative, original ways FREEDOM can be expressed. The signs were hilarious and righteous. Lots of smiling, singing and photographs.Liken that neck tat...
She sucked on her martini, oblivious to taste, to companion, to-- TH
the room in which she sat, her features tightening with the
first sip, lips pinching, teeth gnashing, eyes glazing,
anticipating with familiar affection the icy olives steeping
in gin, saving those olives for last, surely pleased she's not
the type, so common, to choose a twist -- or worse, onion -- to
accessorize her spirits, able to abandon the glass, to burst
reverie, only long enough to light a smoke, suck on that, and
blow another dusky gust of her sour heat toward the face across
the table, waiting, thirsting, still.
One aside: Schumer also had this to say about the origin of his name: “It comes from the word shomer, which mean guardian. My ancestors were guardians of the ghetto wall in Chortkov, and I believe Hashem, actually, gave me the name as one of my roles that is very important in the United States Senate to be a shomer, to be a shomer for Israel.”
Suffice it to say that if Sarah Palin ever said that God had given a name to her with a mission in mind, the chattering class would go bonkers. But of course, it is perfectly acceptable for liberals to get messages from God without cries of indignation echoing throughout the media. That said, if Schumer takes his name to heart, albeit belatedly, and shows some leadership in gathering other Democrats to his [pro-Israel, knock it off, Obama] position (that’s what Senate leaders do, after all), there will be reason to celebrate
David Kernell's trial on charges related to the hacking of Sarah Palin's e-mail account two months before the November, 2008 election begins today. The 22-year-old defendant is the son of long time Tennessee State Representative Mike Kernell, a Democrat from Memphis. The younger [Kernall] has pleaded not guilty to four counts, identity theft, wire fraud, unauthorized access to a protected computer in furtherance of aiding and abetting the same offense, and obstruction of justice.
I love Sarah and Todd. I love how they keep on being themselves despite the odd obsession the left has with attacking them.My response was circumscribed, self-censored, lest I sound what? possessed of the devil myself:
Yes. I'd say it's a loony obsession, to match your odd, but it appears beyond that, beyond oddness or looniness. Sarah and Todd Palin keep on being themselves. It's that simple. They are still normal, in a good way. Or maybe it's that they are still good, in a normal way. It's compelling to witness.And that's what took me to Searchlight. I wanted to see for myself.
William Bennett. Peter Tilden. Laura Ingraham. Tammy Bruce. Rush Limbaugh. Dennis Prager. Michael Medved. Sean Hannity. Mark Levin. Dennis Miller. Jerry Doyle. Roy Masters. Rusty Humphries. The Elite Mike Church. Michael Savage. Don Imus. Tim Conway, Jr. Hugh Hewitt. Howard Stern. Cigar Dave. Reggaeton.Who's got time for it all?
Large bureaucracies, as we all know, often shelter incompetents from their just deserts. But for the bureaucracies to keep functioning even at the minimal level of overall competence they must maintain to avoid finally toppling over, they must each include at least a few people who actually know their business. One such is Doug the Repairman; that he is so clearly part of an endangered species makes me all the more grateful to have finally encountered him this morning. Cheers, Doug!And just before that Beldar addressed Obama's shady treatment of Israel while including some fine separated-at-birth photos of Alexrod and Wimpy. Scroll down and take a look:
Monday, April 12, 2010
US embargoes weapons to Israel, delivers them to Hezbullah
The U.S. embassy in Lebanon announced last week that on April 2 it had delivered the first in a series of shipments of weapons and ammunition. The shipment included 1,000 M16A4 rifles, 10 missile launchers, 1,583 grenade launchers, and 538 sets of day/night binoculars and night-vision devices. It was stressed that the equipment would be supported with training provided by the U.S. government.
Dear MA+ --Didn't make it into his calendar for this year.
I laugh out loud every year, mostly to dissipate the annoyance at receiving the same annual email the same annual email the same annual email from the beloved:
What are you doing on Easter weekend? Is that the week you are going to Arizona? If not we would love to see you over the holidays, there or here.
Dear Nephew --
I'd love to see you too.
But nah, that's not the week I'm going to AZ.
That's the week I return from AZ.
Easter weekend is the weekend I don't travel, that's the weekend that is always booked, booked in advance, far in advance. Kinda like my Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning. Booked.
Baby Jesus. Risen Jesus.
Easter Week is Holy Week, the week when if I'm in town -- and I'm almost always in town -- I go to church every day.
This year I'll be back in town on Wednesday, probably, Thursday for sure. Meaning: I'll be in church Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday -- for the Great Vigil of Easter. And the renewal of my baptism vows. You're always welcome to join me for that 3 hour (give or take) service. It'd be like old times...
Easter Sunday is always a toss-up for me. Perhaps like last year, and the year before that, we can visit on Easter Sunday. The eating's good. Especially if B brings her famous potatoes.
It was last year when I left for Hawaii the day after Easter, this year on Easter Monday I'm off for Mexico.
Knowing I'm picky about where I worship, even JMax stopped booking my Easter weekend, stopped trying to get me to exotic locales until First Things were completed, knowing it's not "holidays" for me, it's Holy Days.
When I pointed out that Holy Week days are comparable to her High Holy Days in September and October, she finally got it, stopped tampering with it, respected it the way I observe and respect Kol Nidrei -- the other fine loop in my double liturgical year.
Nephew, once my Holy Days are observed, and my new year commences, my time opens up again. And there's no one I'd rather see than you and yours.
Short version: it's not about the Easter Bunny for me, it's about the Jesus Bunny.
Go ahead and put this in your calendar for 2010.
-- Uncle
And before anyone gets started, I have devoted a ton of time and energy defending Ms. Palin in both print and in conversations with dullards who can't fathom how much of the animosity they feel for her is based on one of the most vicious smear campaigns ever perpetrated against any politician in recent memory. In short, a lot of folks have been manipulated by the media and they don't even realize it. In this case, the "lie(s) repeated often enough" has been very effective, and while such overt lying makes me angry, revenge isn't a primary motivating factor for me or a lot of other voters when it comes to selecting a presidential candidate.Have to like that "manipulated dullard" observation. Of course even a sharpie or two or three have been sheepily manipulated -- baaaaa -- along the way. None that read this page, however. Just saying.
McCain deserves no credit for running a terrible campaign that saddled us with Barack Obama as president; he deserves no credit for choosing a not-yet-prepared Sarah Palin for Veep, tossing her to the wolves without enough support, and then letting his aides try to blame her for the campaign's failure even before the race was over -- in the process unfairly harming a rising conservative star who had and has great potential that now has been sidetracked from productive governance to show business.Sidetracked to showbiz. Time will tell.