Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Musical Interlude -- Mishka

Hey. It's Pesach.
It's Holy Week.
I'm slowing down at least for a moment or two before Maundy Thursday.
Okay? Okay.
For now, Mishka.
We'll get to the Gregorian Chants soon enough.
This Mishka Interlude?
All y'all will enjoy it, but mostly: It's for you two most faithful readers back in Wisconsin.

Guillaume Quatravaux -- Real Interlude


No comment today.
But I owe a: Thanks, Sister.

Manischewitz It Ain't -- Hello Kitty Wines

For the non-discriminating palate.

Over at Drinkhacker, they're speaking of this fine vintage: Hello Kitty Wines

Nice subtitling at work: This Is How Teen Pregnancies Happen

Grandpa John Punks Breitbart -- In A Good Way

Golden Showers

It's no surprise that Steve Burri comes up with the evidence [updated since posted at left] that them there raaaaacist haters epitheted at and may have expectorated toward our esteemed Blaaaaak Caucus grifters citizen-legislators. [Barney! Value Added.]
We're with Grandpa on this one.
Pay up Andy.
It's up to $100k now, isn't it?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Searchlight -- Yes, I Gambled

Slot Machine Pays For My Trip To See Sarah and Todd Palin

When the Henderson check-in guy, unbidden, offered me a Sunday late check-out time at my hotel -- how'd he know? Holiday Inn corporate must keep a record of my usual requests -- I said sure, thanks, but knew I should get out of Vegas early on a Sunday. I've seen that weekend traffic heading back to California and I don't much like it.
Yet I dawdled.
Southwestward traffic on the I-15 was so bad Sunday afternoon that it was more its typical parking lot than a freeway. What's a Searchlight sojourner to do?
This is Nevada, so, asked and answered. I stopped at the first exit with a casino, parked in the shade, to take a nap or read or have some lunch out of my cooler. Let's be honest for once: I parked at a casino. I knew that I'd enter that smoky den of iniquity and: Gamble.
My high-roller friend JMax laughs at me when I sit at the penny slots. I bear her scorn like a frugal gamesman, confident, knowing my spot. My style is to bet like she does but in my own low-roller style. Who's got money to burn? Well, she may, but I don't.
I put in my twenty dollar bill and max-betted it up to two-hundred and fifty bucks. I was hitting, so I had to spin a few more times. I cashed out at $200.00. One-eighty for twenty. Not bad.
These slots may have loosened up since Obama cracked on Vegas, telling us not to go there. Is he an economic idiot, or what?
I can't remember the name of the casino where I hit, but it was an oldish one, one where the quarters still drop out of some of the slots -- love that sound -- and you put them in the plastic cups and take them to the cashier booth to change them for dollars. This casino was old enough that even on the newer machines you have to call an attendant for your payout.
I trusted the lady with her strollered baby and her mom -- three generations at the penny slots -- to watch my machine while I found an attendant.
Friendly, hard-working, weary, seen-it-all Rose said she'd meet me at my Wheel of Fortune and give up the two-hundred. When she handed me the two hundred dollar bills she looked up and said "Now take this, save it, don't spend it."
I said "I'm walking outta here right now."
Rose laughed, and said, with her cool (Cajun?) accent, "Good for you, dear, now go."
We both laughed.
Grateful, I was thinking that we all have sweet caring mothers everywhere, all around us, thank God, if we just listen for them.
Best to listen and obey.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Searchlight -- Signs'n'Stuff We Liked

Team Durbin:
You Can't Fix Stupid
But You Can Vote It Out!

God Bless This Gold Star Family:

Searchlight -- Angry White Raaaaacist Tea Party

No comment from me, just a few snaps above from up front while we all wait for Our Governor Mrs. Todd Palin. 
I'm really starting to like this camera of mine. 
And oh, yeah, those two little beauties at the top? They were with this patriot:

Searchlight -- Skywriting -- No New Taxes

Hey. Yeah, I have Tea Party/Searchlight stories to tell. But, until I get to it, every picture tells a story story, ain't it?
Other Searchlight pics here: Palins.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Searchlight -- Pictures of Palins

Pictures now, commentary later. Enjoy.