Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kid Vid, Acornholer Division

La Updata
PimpHo Update DNC Subdivision:
What's that ye olde maxim? Oh, yeah: The Rotten Fish Rots From The Rotten Head.
In early 2009, ACORN set up an independent Advisory Council to help put together a new management team under Lewis. Lewis was appointed to the job in the fall of 2008 after disclosure of a set of improper management decisions by the founder of the organization.
The Advisory Council includes John Podesta, president of the liberal Center for American Progress; Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, a former lieutenant governor of Maryland; Andrew Stern, international president of Service Employees International Union; Henry Cisneros, a former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; John Banks, vice president of Government Relations Con Ed; and Eric Eve, senior vice president of Global Consumer Group, Community Relations, of Citigroup.
What could indicate rot more aptly than the unholy trinity of Podesta - Kennedy Townsend -- Cisneros...

Fresh Pimp'n'Ho Vid from America's Finest City.

Just Click.

Watch your backs, kids.
El privioso.

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