KABUL, March 26 (Reuters)
Contento says adieu my brothers, now go with Satan to your eternal reward.A wannabe suicide/murdering bomber
accidentally blew himself up on Thursday,
killing six other Koran quoting
bloodthirsty butchers as he was
bidding them a fond
fare-thee-well before leaving
to slaughter his intended target
of infidels.
"The terrorist was on his way to his
destination and saying bye-bye to his
beloved associates when his murder/suicide
vest exploded at an inopportune time,
commiting instant karma, the kind of
karma for which we can only hope for
more" said a spokesman barely able to
suppress his post-Islamic glee.
We've been in Afghanistan how many years and
still no workplace safety regulatons?
OSHA standards for preventing just such on-site accidents to be found here.
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