Thursday, March 12, 2009


Excellence In Billboards
Let's see, the Democrat National Committee is paying for billboards to attack Rush Limbaugh, because Limbaugh is more important than the economy and because Limbaugh is more important than Islamic barbarians, and because Limbaugh is more important than school children. Has the DNC forgotten that people need kitchens and jobs and people need McNuggets! All the real need and the DNC holds a sloganeering contest, choosing the one over there as the weener.

I'm a little slow witted, but is this a pro-Limbaugh or anti-Limbaugh billboard? No, really, I can't tell. And has the DNC noticed the upward spike in Limbaugh's audience since they commenced their attack on Palm Beach's happiest golfing, yoyo-dieting, ex-oxycontin using, luvable fuzzball of an entertainer? And just what is it about Limbaugh of which they're afraid? I'm just asking.
Who are these silly people with their Limbaugh obsession?

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