Sunday, December 28, 2008

Warming Hearts Every Afternoon

Ain't it about time for some Oprah?
A heartwarming Holocaust memoir

Yeah, that's what it said in the TimesOnline. A heartwarming Holocaust memoir.
A heartwarming Holocaust memoir that is to become a big-budget film has been exposed as a hoax by a Jewish survivor in Britain only weeks before it was due to be published.
Herman Rosenblat's Angel at the Fence: The True Story of a Love that Survived, tells how he met his future wife as a girl when she threw apples to him over the barbed wire fence of the concentration camp where he was held.
Oprah Winfrey, who twice invited Mr Rosenblat on to her talk show, hailed the book as “the single greatest love story ... we've ever told on air”.

Damn them apples.
A love story bigger than Oprah and Steadman.
Read the whole thing here.
Other than that Oprah gets fooled again thing, I trust her judgement in all realms'o'life.
I cried my eyelashes off.

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