This piece was written by a white, university professor, who
understands the double standards of the privilege in our nation.
This is Your Nation on White Privilege
By Tim Wise • 9/13/08
You wanna read it? You click on the link. I can summarize:
Blah blah blah. White folk bad in general. Palins bad in particular. White boys with guns bad bad. America really bad. Snore.
Had to respond to my colleague, saying I found the piece:
Fun, yeah. In the spirit of campaign sport -- the sport of words not action.
But mostly loving that this white privilege screed arrives via a lacrosse coach at [deleted name of effete elite eastern undergraduate college].
And speaking of lacrosse, strange that this would come from a coach. How soon we forget. I kinda recall that the "white privilege" thing was amajor charge against the Duke lacrosse team in the bogus rape case -- a surly charge hurled by the same kind of shrill harridan professors and administrators as Tim Wise, most of whom were white too, giving them that special insight into double standards. The charge of undue privilege is as untrue regarding the Palins as it was untrue about the Duke boys.
Me? I like our randy, fertile Palins -- Todd, Sarah, the brood -- and I like the Alaska they represent, like that they're replenishing the gene pool with their hardiness. I like their commons sense, loyalty and faith. Their future son-in-law? Let's let Levi spread his seed far and wide. We need more high-testosteroned boys like him, fewer like it's obvious little white Timbo was as a teen. Time for some 'firmative action for fuckin' rednecks 'round here. Time for fewer self-loathing whiteys across the fruited plain. Probably a blessing the Wise spawn are daughters, not sons.
As we see, some days it's difficult for me to suppress the latent Spiro Agnew in me. Now I gotta go read some more about Professor Bill Ayers and his mad bomber SDS days with his beloved wife and how his white privilege -- and banker daddy -- kept him outta prison and how he and the missus ended up neighbors of the O-you-know-who-amas in Hyde Park, the only white-ish neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago. Talk about double protective privilege standards.
Professor little white Squibbo Wise is just another tenured race hustler on the make.
Jesus be a voting machine. Amen.
Yours truly.
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