Long story short.
I vowed to keep quiet all week, just shut the heck up, just say my poor prayers for little Christina Taylor Green.
And for the others.
Dead or devastated by evil in Tucson.
Meanwhile, all over my FaceBook place my grotesque friends donned their ass hats and committed their usual asshatery.
I maintained my silence. Why engage with the irrational? Nobody Wins.
The bodies in Tucson were still warm and these civilized friends of mine were climbing on the pile of corpses and thanking each other sincerely for blaming Mrs. Todd Palin -- and the Tea Party -- for the evil in the parking lot at Safeway.
"Who will the Tea Party target next?" they accused.
Way to stay classy, ladies.
Are they really stupid? Or are they just pretending to be stupid?
Asked and answered.
What else can we expect from those who get their self-righteous sense of self-worth from MSNBC, NPR, the Comedy Channel, PBS, and, get this: Michael Moore.
[Update 1/19/11: Maddow/Moore twofer.]
Sarah Palin? She needs no defense by me.
The Tea Party? Me likes. Hey, I must be raaaaacist. Sorry.
Finally, my friends bore me to contempt.
Until I address them directly, this'll have to do:
Rule 5 Sunday: Sunday Night Loungewear
15 hours ago
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