Hey, this started as a road trip blog, remember? Well I'm rolling today.
Feeling ain't being, but I feel so impure. You called me a map purist, but still gave me this GPS devise. Another perfect digital gift for analog me.
My maps don’t show me all the roads I’ve been on this afternoon in Arizona. Or the one I'm on right now. Or the maps show me, but I haven't looked. The Garmin lady -- I just set Garmin for my destination -- it is she who's taking me on these little two lane highways. It’s sweet.
I’m in the desert with nothng around me but sand and cacti and the occasional tumbleweed and some bored looking livestock and very few other cars and two lanes and just the way I like it. And, uh, but, as I say, I feel impure. I experience impurity. Because I’m not using my printed maps.
I have no idea where I am. I won’t do this another day but I’m doing it today and it is fabuloso (that’s a little Spanish lingo straight outta Rosetta Stone). Anyway, after listening to jibberjabber radio and FNC on the XM and all that stuff all day I finally turned on – I said let me see what’s on the music stations and of course the first song that came on was Wynonna Judd … No Ones Else blah blah blah,um, you know, could love me the way you do, oh man I hate that kind of stuff – takes me in the way back. Anyway I tried my Spanish stations but they’re no good, missing the Reggaeton now, and what’s on right now is some kind of disco/dance/move your money maker stuff … wait, let me see if I can play this for ya, wait a minute, (holds up recorder to car radio speakers), wait a minute … (Jill listens and gets up and dances at home. Annie barks.) … Anyway that’s really not quite appropriate music for where I am out here in the desert or even who I am today although it’s kindda appropriate for, it’s kinda my beat, but not quite funky enough to be my beat, whoever it is making that music, but it might be close enough to my beat because I do kinda like it.
Anyway, uh, I’m on – new topic – oh I passed through some desert rain today, that was kind of fun, uh, and I bought some gas in Wikieup, but it was 10 cents more per gallon for a credit card purchase than cash, so that’s the scam around here, but I paid it, I don’t mind, uh, I don’t have any of my cameras handy right now or I’d take some pics for ya while I’m driving, uh, I’m on Wickenburg Road, heading, I don’t know what, south, maybe, uh, Phoenix is kind of off toward my south, left, that’s south east, but I’m heading toward the border but it’s a ways away. Let me see if Garmin will tell me how far my destination is. …. My destination is hundred and forty two point five miles. I may stop in a motel tonight because I don’t feel like setting up my tent and all that stuff in the dark.
But I did a lot of shopping I got food I got beer I got drinks I got ice I got more batteries what else did I get? Gatorade. Um, cheese. (That’s protein, people.) Some meat. Did I say batteries already? A second tarp in case I need a shade tarp in the desert. Uh, A bunchastuff. Yesterday what’d I do? Before I left Vegas I keyed in New Balance on the Garmin the New Balance store was right on the road I traveled outta Vegas so I stopped and bought a pair of trail running shoes, using the gift cards my basketball boys gave me in April. Not that I’m gonna do a whole lotta running – oh there’s Jack Rabbit Wash -- nice name – not that I’m gonna do alotta trail running, but I might do a little bit and the trail runners'll be good for taking Nashie! up the mtn when I get back.
Anyway, I have this digital recorder and I’m testing it to see how it works or if I've figured out how it works and I’m gonna shut it off now because I might not be recording these very important impressions and I might be wasting my time but if it works I'll transcribe this and it'll be y-o-u-r blog for tonight. All right. Bye bye.
In The Mailbox: 03.27.25
3 hours ago