Saturday, November 8, 2008

Turmoil in Westwood

I'm no regular reader of Rod McCullom, not yet anyway, but his dismaying post today over at Rod 2.0 gives us this sad-if-true report from Westwood:
Not that this wasn't expected. The recent passage of California's Proposition 8 has exposed some of the latent racism of many within the LGBT community—instigated in part by many in the e-telligentsia such as revisionist Andrew Sullivan and sex advisor turned sociologist Dan Savage. Unfortunately the "blame the blacks" meme is being commonly accepted by some so-called "progressive" gay activists
It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercrombie polos and Birkenstocks. YOU NIGGER, one man shouted at me

Just one more justification for my stance that "Gay" is a political position (liberal, self-centered) not a hyphenate identity or a lust orientation or an affectional preference and one more reason why I stay on the Studio City side of the hills and, except for church, try never to go to the city. Why mingle with those first-and-formost-gay? (Are they capable of discussing anything not related to gayity?) What's the enduring bond? Shared latency? Propensity for groupthink? What the heck, my cafe society days are decades behind me.
Of course regardless of what Rod 2.0 reports it is Conservatives and Republicans who are always branded as racists -- contrary to what one could see with one's own eyes should one choose to look -- never the Liberals or Democrats or "Progressives." Talk about a tired meme. Perhaps people really are stupid. Can't see what's right before their ideological peepers.
Got eyes? Use 'em. Then remember what you've seen.
Anyway, if you read Rod 2.0's article and the comments and the anecdotal references to groping some'o'you will know what I mean when I say that as my college mate Crazy Mary used to say back in Iowa, back when she used to slide notes under my dorm door:
"Fucking us ain't knowing us, white boy."
I digress. So though we're all prone to hyperbole these days if the street ugliness Rod 2.0 describes is true -- and not just another creepy story -- if it's true that men were called niggers in Westwood by cowardly faggoty clone hysterical angry shrill clone pinched clone oppressed middle-class spoiled caucasian homosexuals who could be surprised? No, really.
Even Rod 2.0 says the racism was not unexpected.
What a community.
Still, get a grip, boys and lesbians. This is 2008. Gay Divorce will come. Just not yet. Might take more than forty years to change thousands of years of tradition. Forget the Black church for a moment. Forget the Republicans. Forget even Governor Mrs. Todd Palin's excellent wardrobe. Can't your parading bigotry be limited to anti-Mormon bigotry? Ain't that enough hatin' for right now? All together now. Ebony and Ivory. Gay Kumbaya. And goddamn the Mormon interlopers.
Question: Anyone remember when man-on-man sex was outlaw sex? Uh huh. Anyone remember when what men-who-like men wanted was to be left alone? Remember when it was about gettin' some head. Or givin' some. To say nothing about ass. Remember when whoever got to the bed first got to be bottom? Pardon my vulgarity. I'm not saying I remember any of that, I'm just reporting what I've been told about those days. Back when affection was a bonus. And life-long commitment? Either sanctified by the church or licensed by the state -- who wanted it?
Not men.
And you racist uptight girlie-men with muscles in West Hollywood? Blaming African-Americans for your disappointment? Who you think it was who fought the NYC police in what was that 1969? It wasn't the clones. Hell, the first generation of clones hadn't even arrived yet in their flannels and Wranglers or 501s and work boots. It was Uptown Negro cross-dressing men who fought the police down in the Village, on Christopher Street. Each and every one of those sixties transvestites more man than you'll ever be in your LA whiny anger at being oppressed out of a wedding cake.
Generally I try to avoid using the language of "rights." That's your fetish, not mine. In this quest for Gay Divorce my final question is always, has been for years, since Anita Bryant really, when did bourgois respectability become a right?
That's what you're "fighting" for here, ain't it? Please accept me. It's my civil right to be accepted.
Fuck that.
And hey, what about the Black church choir singer's right to be DL? His Down Low Pride? DL at church. DL at home and with family. DL in his "community." Ain't he got rights too? I'm just saying.
Rod 2.0? You're a writer. Rethink your use of the words community and latent. Might want to reexamine the concept of "landslide" too.

Update Sunday, Nov. 09, 09:30 PM: Mormon Church Vandalized

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