Friday, April 23, 2010

Schumer Named By G*d -- Sarah Palin Mum On Her Own Divine Mission

Chuck-You Schumer: Not only elected by idiots, but also named by G*d.

The essential -- and fetching -- Jennifer Rubin notes grifter Senator Chucky Schumer's claim that the Unnamed Name named him.
One aside: Schumer also had this to say about the origin of his name: “It comes from the word shomer, which mean guardian. My ancestors were guardians of the ghetto wall in Chortkov, and I believe Hashem, actually, gave me the name as one of my roles that is very important in the United States Senate to be a shomer, to be a shomer for Israel.”

Suffice it to say that if Sarah Palin ever said that God had given a name to her with a mission in mind, the chattering class would go bonkers. But of course, it is perfectly acceptable for liberals to get messages from God without cries of indignation echoing throughout the media. That said, if Schumer takes his name to heart, albeit belatedly, and shows some leadership in gathering other Democrats to his [pro-Israel, knock it off, Obama] position (that’s what Senate leaders do, after all), there will be reason to celebrate

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