Thursday, April 22, 2010

Arctic Fox, Alaskan Wolves and Facebook Fools

Around here we're thinking the FaceBook place is a blessing, allowing reconnection with old school chums and/or lost friends and occasionally even allowing us to remedy idiotic mistakes of the past, flourish in e-forgiveness and renew and update familial love.
Other times we see nothing has changed and we might better have let time and distance remain.
Sometimes it's a combo plate.
This week's FaceBook groan came when adhering to a real-time friend's on-line suggestion to friend (yes, that's a verb) an old mutual friend and once the request was accepted up popped her wall with -- you'll never guess -- an anti-Sarah Palin screed.
There's no escape from the derangement, even as begat by beloveds.
Here's what's setting off old friend's FaceBook idiotic issues meter:
What's on your mind?
  • safe_image.php.jpg 
  • Keep Sarah Palin off Discovery
  • Tell Discovery: Someone who vocally advocates for habitat-destroying oil drilling, denies global warming is a human-caused threat, and spearheaded a brutal wolf-slaughter program as governor of Alaska has no place in your eco-conscious lineup of shows.
Them: Not my fault their anti-Palin FB pic won't load.
You: click where the pic should show and it'll take you to their deranged petition.
Me? I don't watch much Discovery Channel, but I'll watch this show.
And, like Mrs. Todd Palin, I too advocate drilling, baby, drilling while scorning the eco-lib-religious fundamentalism of Al Gore and the globaloney warming cult, and though I ran with a wolf-hybrid for many years, once jumping into a sheep pen back in the wilds of Iowa to rescue a lamb from my own wolf's happy jaws, baaaaaaaad wolf, and can therefore see why wolves need careful culling by humans, yes they do, still, I do love wolves -- in the abstract and in the hybrid particular.
(Rest in Peace, Nanook, still missing you, girl.)
I'm not much of a joiner or signer but here's a petition supporting the Sarah Palin Discovery Channel documentary series. Think about signing it.

Derangement courtesy of Sarah Palin Information Blog.

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