Friday, October 2, 2009

Speaking of Pinkos & Commies & Crops & James Bowman

I don't even know the kid's name but I'm passing through the lab here in Farmville this morning and the kid says to me:
"Mr. Contento, we need socialist medicine in America."
"You bet," says I, "but why stop there along the way? Let's go straight on to Communism."
"You get it Mr. Contento; nobody else around here gets it. Look at my wallpaper."
He clicks and up comes a pic of Stalin
Not that pic, a more brutal pic, but I like the younger Soso, the softer Man of Steel.:
Birth Name Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili
Nickname: Uncle Joe
Nickname: Soso (his mother's nickname for him -- and his Party name)
Nickname: Man of Steel

"Sweet," said I.
"Stalin knew how to get things done," the boy tells me.
"Yeah," why wouldn't I agree? "he could delegate some famine good. Hungry peasants are good peasants."
Now the boy's laughing at me. Yes, the kid is kidding. And happy that I'm playing along. He won't stop. "Let me show you my favorite song, Mr. Contento. It's a great one."

All I could do not to sing along. "Send me that link, please, willya? I have a place for it."

Catchy tune, that. Mmmm, mmmm, mmm. I'd go on, tell ya more, but I've got to harvest my coffee in 30 minutes and my strawberries are withered. It's a simple life, but I live it.
I do love these kids some days.
Some little more talk of "revolution" and brutality and starving peasants and that was that.
Speaking of which, from that to this:
Movie Take'o'The Week
The Baader Meinhof Complex
By James Bowman on 10.2.09 @ 6:02AM
In other words, audiences today are quite likely to notice what was not so much noticed at the time, namely that the "revolution" doesn't make any sense. So far as we can tell, these naughty children don't even know what "imperialism" means, apart from identifying it with anything America or Israel do -- and not with anything that the Soviet Union or China did. It is whatever they say it is. Their narcissism even extends to the deaths of the leadership -- Meinhoff first, then Baader and Ensslin -- by suicide in prison. These are the solipsist revolutionaries -- though, like Bill Ayers, they still command respect at the New York Times.
Bill Ayers. Ain't he one'o'them "revolutionary" friends of Michelle and Barack?
Enjoyed the last eight (8) months. Truly did. Looking forward with revolutionary zeal to the next three-some years.
Too bad about that Olympiad and ParaOlympiad setback over in Copenhagendaz.
Still, our future looks bright. Let a hundred acorns blossom.
Viva la hope y change.

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