Friday, October 2, 2009

Copenhagen Chumps

Chicago Now:
Chicago 2016 Olympics: What Oprah Wants..

You want Obama to win the presidency?  Sure thing.  Close down Michigan Avenue?  Not a problem.  The Olympics in Chicago?  Hold up a second.

After traveling to Copenhagen to plead Chicago's case before the International Olympic Committee, Queen O must be mighty shocked the city was eliminated this morning in the first round of voting. For the first time in recent memory, what Oprah wants isn't what Oprah gets.

Must be more Oprah profiling going on at the IOC just like at Hermes in Paris. Hmmm.

Yeah, yeah, hope is for chumps. But is it too much to hope that this is the end of the Oprahfication of everything?
Obama: Go be a man now.
Leave the ladies to the lady stuff and the lady stuff to the ladies. And Obama: Get to work.
Oh My. Daddy's Lapdance.
Bush's fault. Nattering Nabobism.
Perfect stuff over at TOMcC

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