Monday, June 6, 2011

Joshua R. Whittle, Marines, Lance Corporal -- Rest In Peace

Joshua R. Whittle, 20

Marines, Lance Corporal
Based: Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii
2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force
Supporting: Operation Enduring Freedom
Died: June 6, 2009
Helmand province, Afghanistan
Gender: Male
Hometown: Downey
High School: Columbus High (Downey)
Burial: Riverside National Cemetery, Riverside

65 memories of Joshua R. Whittle
Josh was a good friend of mine during high school and he was a strong minded individual. He never gave into peer pressure and always kept a positive outlook on life. He loved going to hardcore shows and he was an over all free spirited friend. I will forever hold JOsh aka MD in my memories and he will always share a place in my heart. I LOVE YOU MD!!! WE WILL BE MISSING YOUUUU
— Angel Gutierrez
June 9, 2009 at 9:21 p.m.
i love you and miss you. i saw you a few days before you left. and it breaks my heart knowing that i could have hung out with you longer and told you how much i care about you. the stupid things we did. Shows, funny car rides, and the good times we had. ill always think of you when i see an American flag because to me you are an American hero, who died for our freedom. Thank You. rest in paradise little brother.
— Hector Matus
June 9, 2009 at 9:32 p.m.
i remember when we went to palmsprings =] 5min <3 haha dam we had good times.. just swimming in my pool... hanging with u always made me happy.. i always loved u josh and i told u before. RIP babe.
— Sandra Renteria
June 10, 2009 at 7:51 a.m.
Words cannot express the depth of my sadness over the death of Joshua. I know how much he was loved as I have worked with his father for 20 years.
May God hold him in his hands and bless him forever.
May God please give his family strength.
God Bless you Josh, and your sacrifice will never ever be in vain.
— Sandra L. Bohannan
June 10, 2009 at 9:06 a.m.
I did not get to meet this young man! All though I do wish to send all his Family and Friends my deepest condolences! My son is also a MARINE and is stationed in Hawaii KANEOHE BAY. He also was deployed with Josh. May God hold on tight to Joshes hand and may he Bless his Family and Friends.. God Bless you. Mother of John Rene Brodit a MARINE in Bakwa Afganistan.
— Dolores Suzuki
June 10, 2009 at 9:58 a.m.
He was one of my best friends, and i still can't believe the news. We were at six flags the day before you left, and i can honestly say that it will be one of my fondest memories. Just thinking about all the times we walked to chipotle during summer, hiking to monkey's canyon, all the shows, and just wrestling and fighting with you you were my brother and i'll miss you.
— Sergio Garcia
June 10, 2009 at 10:36 a.m.
You weren't in Afghanistan for a month before you were taken from us. It just isn't fair. I've spent a cumulative 20 months over 3 deployments out here, and if I could take your place I would. I'll remember you from years ago. I only wish I could have known you better recently. You're death is wholly depressing, and many lives aren't going to be the same with you gone. Those lives will never recover. Our loss is too great.
— Brandon
June 10, 2009 at 11:46 a.m.
Dear Josh, "MD" I am writing this note as if you were still here because I don't think I could endure it to think that you have left us. I know we will see each other again in heaven it's just that it wont be soon enough for me. The year and a half the you stayed with our family I will treasure forever. Josh wanted to stay in Downey, CA to graduate with the friends he grew up with, but his family had moved to Fontana, CA. So, without hesitation our took him in and he became apart of our family and us a part of his. I will miss you "MD"! Thank you for your courage and bravery I would also like to thank those that took care of him when he got hurt and to the fellow marines that he was deployed with. I also know that being a Marine was more important to "MD" than anything. It doesn't surprise me that he was on point. He was always rushing in head first thinking more for others that himself. I love you Joshua and I don't know what we are all going to do without you. I love you, your other mother. Lorie
— Mrs. Lorie Palma
June 10, 2009 at 12:15 p.m.
It's hard saying good bye to someone that always greeted you with a warm hug and big beautiful blue eyes. Joshua Whittle was an individual that always cared for others and put other before himself. I believe he did not die in vain. I believe he is in a better place, I just wish he was still in this world with us.
— Preda
June 10, 2009 at 12:15 p.m.
you will always have a special place in my heart and i will miss you very much and love with all my heart
— aunt pam
June 10, 2009 at 3:12 p.m.
Josh, I remember meeting you before you left for boot camp. 
I could sense a bit of power and charisma from you.
This war has taken a lot of things from all of us. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.
I'm only sad that I couldn't join you out there sooner.
R.I.P. Marine and be at peace with God
— Min Oh
June 10, 2009 at 3:34 p.m.
MD you are a hero in my eyes.. Words can't describe how much or friendship ment to me... you always had my back even when I was at fault.. You and jp are like brother to me now that you're gone I list a brother but now I have an angel watching over me...
— steven blake padilla
June 10, 2009 at 3:50 p.m.
You truely loved us all MD. You went above and beyond for all of your friends. Even on the last day i hung out with you you saved me, i was getting jumped and you were there to get everyone off of me. i still have that torn up CDC shirt and it is something that ill keep forever. We all miss you and love you very much and are forever thankful for the sacrifice that you have made for our country. your spirit will live on my brother. i love you and i will never forget you.
— Carlos Rosas
June 10, 2009 at 4:02 p.m.
Although I did not have the privilege of knowing you as well as so many of your brave friends, I feel a sense of extreme loss. I will never let another person teach me to shoot a gun "like a man". You are in my prayers at least three times a day. Please be with your family and your friends. We all love you, Josh. That is never going to stop. You died a hero, even though you were a hero all a long. Save a spot for me, babe.
— Jaime Gargas
June 10, 2009 at 6:46 p.m.
Words cannot describe the emotions that we all feel towards you and your dedication to protecting this country. I remember back in school when we first called you "MD" cause you look like Matt Damon, durring the time we spent together at Downey CDS we always joked around and had fun. You are an inspiration to us all, I myself am going to the military soon and am dedicating my service time to you my brother. YOU WILL FOREVER BE IN OUR HEARTS AND NEVER FORGOTTEN.
— Eleazar Fuentes
June 11, 2009 at 11:12 a.m.
You were one heck of a guy. You loved your friends and family so much and that is so admirable. I was so heart broken when I heard of your passing. You were always such a genuinely nice person. I admire your courage and passion to serve in the military. I was driving around Downey today and I notice all American Flags where at half mass. In honor of you. I've always been patriotic but it's never meant so much to me. We didn't hang out with the same friends but you were still so welcoming. It's not fair that you had to go at such a young age, so full lof life and dreams, but you will forever be remembered for your bravery, love and your passion. Thanks for fighting the big fight.
When I first heard about you passing, I didn't think I would so heart broken, but your passing has effected me deeply. It's been a great pleasure knowing you. God Bless
— Jen Preda
June 11, 2009 at 6:42 p.m.
Josh you will forever be in Our were a very good,respectable,Loving,helpful young man.I'm glad i had the opportunity to take you and Kyle camping with our family and then finding out it was your first camping trip.and you ask me if you could go again.We will do that in another life! LOVE YOU ALWAYS M.D you truly were one of our Best Downey Boys.
Love Always, Eric ,Ashley and Erons Mom (GINA) And my you rest in peace and God care for you now.
— Gina Rivera
June 11, 2009 at 7:45 p.m.
Josh was a great friend to all of us he always tryed to help us all out in any way he could.he always told me to keep my head up no matter wat came my way I remember going to shows n laughing haveing fun he had a big heart! He was one of the bravest guys I ever knew im proud of u my brother I LOVE YOU MD N I WILL NEVER FORGET U!!!! Rest in peace our fallen hero joshua r. Whittle MD my brother
— nathan
June 12, 2009 at 3:26 p.m.
little jOSh whittle
blue eyes meh-gieeee to me.
from the first day i met you, you always had a smile on your face...You really were a GREAT friend to all of us, whether we hung out alot or a lil even when i would disappear for months n come back outta the blue you were still there to great me with a "Hey, b e a u tiful"... WE are and will always be THE Downey Kids n we always find our way back will truely be missed by all.
and Downey wont be the same with out you..R.i.P M.D
— Donna
June 12, 2009 at 4:50 p.m.
It's really unfortunate that you had to leave us all.. You were SUCH a great person in many ways. And you will always be remembered for doing positive things in this world that made a difference<3 I Love you JOSH. I'll always remember the fun times we had together and cherish them forever in my heart.. along with you.. you're in my prayers everyday and night.. And your picture will remain with me at all times.. Until I see you again.. Rest in Peace.. And watch over us all
— Erica Ibarra
June 12, 2009 at 5:49 p.m.
rest in peace MD. your a good man and great loss.
— a friend
June 12, 2009 at 6:51 p.m.

i will hold on to what you believed, in my soul ,and live with you as my angel while i still walk this planet as you cannot anymore. I knew you as MD , two letters that i later found out originated from him looking like Matt Damon but, the presence and positive hero type vibe josh had gave those two letters strength, MD was truly a soldier and a hero before he joined the marines. i just think about all the shows we would raise hell at,ALL IN THE NAME OF FUN , off coarse!
— line -oh
June 13, 2009 at 5:05 p.m.

Josh, thank you for fighting for our sucks you had to go so soon.but ill always remember those days seeing you around school,those hello hugs you would give,and your smile that would light up a will NEVER be forgotten.
see you at the gates of heaven
— Allison Martin
June 13, 2009 at 11:49 p.m.
I'll never forget our 'walks to remember' or the way you used to hold my hand and kiss me at the skate park, even though the homies always teased us about it. You were a sweetheart and I'll never forget those pretty eyes. I'm truly humbled by the sacrifice you made for all of us and we all owe you. You're our hero, MD. We've already been missing you and we're not gonna stop. I love you. Rest in peace.
— Annie Roberts
June 14, 2009 at 7:42 a.m.
Stand down Marine, Your mission is complete. May our Heavenly Father welcome You home to rest. As the flags waive at half-staff through out the City of Downey, please know that the Community you love and fought for stands behind you, To your mother, Thank you for bringing an Angel into the world and sharing him with us. Your Son is a true hero. God will watch over you every day because you,too, have made the ultimate sacrifice. God Bless you now and forever. With love and respect, Lorne and Esther Symonds
— Lorne and Esther Symonds
June 14, 2009 at 1:21 p.m.
God Bless You!
— Mr562
June 14, 2009 at 1:56 p.m.

Bye bud RIP
— Bill
June 14, 2009 at 8:08 p.m.

God Bless You.
RIP Brotha
— Rios
June 14, 2009 at 10:19 p.m.
June 15, 2009 at 1:12 a.m.
Josh AKA MD, i miss you and love you. i'll hold close the memories of shows and school dances, and just hanging out. you were a wonderful friend throughout high school. this is such a tragic loss for so many who loved you. i can't think of one person that ever disliked you. i'll never forget those beautiful blue eyes and that perfect smile. your memory will be carried on by all of us. rest in paradise. xxx. it's forever a fight my friend.
— Amanda Wolf
June 15, 2009 at 1:45 p.m.
Josh you were a great freind of my daughters you will be missed. We have alot of merories together from kims sweet 16 thanks so much for beeing a special part of it. Rest in Peace.
— Annette/kimberly espinoza mother
June 15, 2009 at 11:41 p.m.
You are greatly missed by your friends and family. Rest in peace.
— Victor John Lomeli
June 16, 2009 at 12:23 a.m.
It is so unfortunate that the young and innocent can be stripped away from our lives in a blink of an eye. We may ask why but usually never get an answer. Just keep in mind that everything happens for a reason. Even when it doesn't seem fair or right, there is always a reason. Josh, you had such a beautiful heart and soul. Even though you are not here, you're presence will always remain. My Father who has passed served as a soldier in Vietnam. He always said that when he dies he will be a soldier for God. He said that when heaven and hell meet for battle he will be there in front fighting for Christ. You will be there as well, Josh. Fighting for good. Remember, good will always triumph over evil. You will always be a hero, a fighter, and a United States Soldier. God bless you, Josh. May you rest in peace our loved one.
Poem by:Sri Chinmoy
Death is not the end
Death can never be the end.
Death is the road.
Life is the traveller.
The Soul is the Guide
Our mind thinks of death.
Our heart thinks of life
Our soul thinks of Immortality.

June 16, 2009 at 2:03 a.m.
RIP Josh your a hero, many will miss you, i myself just joined the USMC infantry for you josh.
— me
June 16, 2009 at 9:31 p.m.
My son is in the U.S. Marines and we live in Downey, California.
May the Lord Bless you and your family always. Rest In Peace Joshua
Revelations 21:4
— Marine Mom
June 16, 2009 at 9:42 p.m.
Josh, Its so hard to believe your gone. I feel like im gonna bump into you again. I remember you used to be so rough on me, like if i was a boy haha.Im gonna miss that alot.. I miss you so much right now, but i will see you once again..what you've done was really brave and keep in mind your a hero for doing that! much love md.
-Cindy P!
— Cindy P
June 17, 2009 at 10:41 a.m.
md u can look down on us and see that u impacted not only ur family and friends but u moved a nation mang
poker with u and jp was great everytime
i give u and ur fam my dedication of prayer
ill see u in paradise
— Dante
June 18, 2009 at 4:05 p.m.
Dear Josh,
Your passing is something that has greatly affected everybody. I heard about it the day you passed away, and I chose to not believe it because I wanted to know you were still coming home. I did nothing that day but dwell on the fact that you could be gone, and I wont be graced with your presence anymore, however you will be in peace.
Your passing is something that wont ever be healed. I sit and hold onto my chest because I have a broken heart. I sit and think about you and tears run down my face because it shouldn't have been you.
My prayers go out to your family, because they loved you so much, and they miss you more then anything. If i could trade places with you and give you back to all your family and friends, i would.
I love you Joshua Whittle. See you someday.
— a friend
June 19, 2009 at 8:45 a.m.
I am so sorry to hear you won't be coming home. Your family and friends will miss you so much. You will be forever in their hearts, and never forgotten. Thank you for your brave and faithful service you gave to your country. God Bless You. Now you can be a guardian angel to your fellow Marines. Oorah! and Semper Fidelis
— Mother Of a Marine
June 19, 2009 at 8:54 p.m.
we love you so much MD..but like i told you when you were resting in your casket, one day we will meet up again and we will mosh hard in heaven, and let nothing stand in our way! we love you very much and your a true hero to all of us! hope to see you soon one day
— Lizeth & Rodney
June 20, 2009 at 12:17 a.m.
Josh, you changed me in every way possible. i know now we all have an angel looking at us from above. I love you and youll always have a place in my heart. God Bless You. ill see you soon!
rest in paradise
Youre a Hero to all of us.
— Adriana
June 20, 2009 at 1:10 p.m.
I never got the chance to meet you Josh...but thank you for my freedom. To his family and friends...God takes the good ones because we would too if we were God....I know you are enjoying your new life Josh!!
Daughter of a Special Forces Green Beret
— Nina Ratterree
June 23, 2009 at 3:40 p.m.
Joshua was my only son only child . But when i say he was the BEST son a mother could have this is so true I love him and miss him for ever and thank you all for all the great things u have worte about him and it helps be a little too!Love you all!!
— crystal
June 25, 2009 at 2:39 a.m.
JOSH i remember the time u came in asking for a job.. i was like man its really slow and i dont need anyone but ur a good guy and a hard worker so i picked you up... i hired you and we had some good times working together... RIP my condolences go to you and your family.
July 3, 2009 at 1:08 p.m.
July 4, 2009 at 10:05 p.m.
MD! i always gave you stuff for that! but man i wish i was with you man i wrote you that letter and i wont ever know if you got it. i wish you were still here! i heard about you frome Keno our guide in SOI and i know you two didnt like each other too much but thats alright! you were one hell of a man! always making me laugh and stuff! im praying for your family and still trying to get your moms phone number if i can ever find it, i will go visit you one day! rackmates, fightinghole buddies, libo buddies, and last of all fellow Devil Dogs! love ya bro! rest in peace because thats all you wanted to be was an infantryman and that you were.
— Lcpl Joshua R. Wandell
July 6, 2009 at 3:37 p.m.
A day doesn't go by when I don't think of you. Whenever I'm driving I look at your dog tag hanging from my rearview mirror and I talk to you.I get chipotle at least once a week for you, and I can never finish it because I start to cry when I remember you. I'm in a crappy relationship, and I can't seem to get out of it. Each night I come home I start to cry because I wish I had someone as great as you to call my own. So many people loved you, and that degree of love doesn't matter when it was someone as great as you. You touched and moved so many people, especially me. If I could trade places with you and give you back to your mom, I would. She loves you so much, and I hope you visit her as often as you can because she is such a good women with such a good heart. I love you joshua r whittle.
— heart broken friend
July 7, 2009 at 11:45 p.m.
My brother who was next to me in the pit, car rides to bakersfield, san diego, raging waters for my birthday, monkeys canyon and chain reaction, eat next to you at albertacos, sleeping nest to you in danny's room swimming next ot you in his pool, jumping off the roof next to you in to the pool, trying to fix your red car next to you, and fighting our many battles with you.
You will always be next to me and I will away fight with you standing next to me and looking over me since you were the one WITH THE HEART OF A LION!
love you
— Richard "PONY BOY" padilla
July 8, 2009 at 10:52 p.m.
Ohh my MD . I miss you so much. My heart aches. 4th of July just passed. Brought back so many memories with youvand fireworks, you were absolutly in love with making the biggest boom!! Just last 4th of July you were at our house like normal causing rukkas.. and we were walking in the house together and I had seen fire crakers in your hand .. I was like ohh no what are you going to do with that?! You looked and me and said just watch.. You stand right outside my brothers room while he was laying on his bed and you light the firecrakers and throw it in his room and close the door and run so fast and laugh so hard and hid under my blackets in my bed because you knew that Daniel was going to come after you .. Gosh you always were laughing , and even though sometimes I was so mad at you for play fighting too hard with me or catching me and took pictures of me when I was waxing my lip .. Haha .. I still love you like my own brother because you loved me like I was your real sister, and I miss you so much MD. Come see me in my dreams and talk to me . I love you so much . Ps. I found your YMCA card .. :-( I forgot it said Joshua Palma on it.
— Lindsey Palma
July 9, 2009 at 1:46 a.m.
Joshua i only met you once but i feel like we have been friends since the day you were born your dad talked about you all the time he was so proud of you and also very proud of your mother for how she raised you with just her mom and sister Doug would say she did a heck of a job with that boy on her own. i know that you didnt see your dad very much but he love you so much but i guess he is with you right now you both will be missed until we meet again Joshua i just want to say thank you and to your mother and grandma and aunt thank you for giving us a great man
— friend of joshua dad
July 11, 2009 at 9:29 a.m.
Joshua,I didn't know you or your family but I had the pleasure of meeting your Mom on the phone today where I work and we cried together. I am also a Marine Mom. Your Mother was so gracious and my heart goes out to your family and friends. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. It is because of American Heroes like you, that we can live in freedom! 9-11 NEVER FORGET! God bless you and your family! Peggy (BofA)
— Mother of a Marine
July 22, 2009 at 10:32 p.m.
This is truly a MARINE.
Semper Fi
— George (A Marine)
July 27, 2009 at 1:59 p.m.
Damn Josh.. I can't believe it man. I can't believe im just hearing about this yesterday.. this is madness.. You were a good person man I'm glad I was able to know you and hang out with you in highschool. We had some goodtimes going to shows or when you'd come to my band shows eh? Sucks it had to end this way man.. I remember when I was just getting out of Army bootcamp I came across your myspace and was like "whaaat josh is a marine now!" haha.. than i messaged you and we talked about the marines and u.s. army.. damn dude.. I'm sorry man. Wish we would of talked more these past few years you were a great person to hang around with and had everyones backs. I salute you bro your a hero.. you will forever be in my thoughts bro. R.I.P. LCPL Whittle
- Ramos
— Luis Ramos
August 3, 2009 at 12:09 p.m.
So it has now been two months since you have been taken away from us, and the pain of you being gone is still as heart breaking as when i first found out. As everyone has already stated on here, you were a hero, and you will always be remembered. today of most days is difficult for me because i cant stop thinking of you. i love you joshua r whittle, and im sorry. I hope your family is doing well. Please, watch over us, and visit us.
— friend
August 10, 2009 at 11:27 a.m.
Hey Honey,
Today like most days is hard. I was looking at your myspace and read what your mom had written. It completly broke my heart. I don't even like turning on the TV because if a news broadcast is on all you hear about is the dealth tolls rising in these middle eastern countires. I wish there was some way or somehow time can just be turned back and bring you back to us. I thank you so much for serving our country, but the selfish part in me wishes that you never became a Marine. And I feel so stupid even thinking something like that because I know how prideful you were to become a UNITED STATES MARINE. I really honor and cherish the memories that we have had and I have an aching heart because I wish I didnt take time for granted. It's true what they say baby 'You dont realize what you have until it is gone." Josh, you really have helped me become a stronger person and live each day to the fullest. I was actually just looking into bungie jumping too and i want to make it a tribute to you sweetie. Ive been meaning to visit you. But things have just been so hectic with work and school, time isn't my friend right now. But I will visit you, and I will bring by some chipotle and eat it for you. Heck, I might even get that today. Please be with your mom in this time. I know I say that each time I write in here, and each time I pray at night, but she is hurting and I just wish her pain would go away, and that she would just live remotly happy. Remind her that you love her, come in her dreams and embrace her baby. I love you.
— -
August 17, 2009 at 2:10 p.m.
May you rest in peace...
— Fellow Downey Resident
August 17, 2009 at 5:58 p.m.
Thank you for visiting me in my dreams the other night. It was very peacful. You showed up on my door step and said " I'm home, lets eat." and I said " What would you like me to cook."and you said "I've been in afgan for three months you think I want to eat your cooking, lets go to Chipotle!!." So there we went, and then I woke up as we got our food. We didn't even get to eat it together.... I miss you. That day I went to chipotle and got something to eat, I ate half of my food for you. <33 it felt real.
— anonymous
August 29, 2009 at 9:25 a.m.
Josh, Thank you for visiting me in my dreams. It was a very pleasant dream that filled my heart with warmth. I loved seeing you and being able to talk to you. I am writing a paper about for my English class and I'm loving how it is turning out because it's helping me remember you. Please watch over us, I love you.
— .
September 2, 2009 at 9:29 a.m.
you were the best man i ever knew i miss you so much bro
— austin
November 1, 2009 at 11:53 a.m.
I haven't been on here in a while to write to you. Life has been hectic. But I am constantly thinking about you. I always see this boy that resembles you and I have to catch my breath because I always think your back. I always think about your big blue eyes and your smile. I hope those wonderful eyes are watching down on your loved ones and that smile is what keeps our hearts pounding. Whenever I see a USMC commercial my eyes water. I love you

November 18, 2009 at 11:43 p.m.
Josh, I admire your willingness to fight for our country, and you are a TRUE defintion of what being brave is all about. We had a friendship in early days of HS, and during that time, you were always a great and caring kid. Love ya man. God bless your family
— Tristan Fontaine
December 7, 2009 at 9:23 a.m.
it's 4 am.... and I cant get you out of my head! Keep us under your wing sunshine
— heartbroken
June 6, 2010 at 4:04 a.m.
Cannot believe its already been a year. I remember the news like it was yesterday. You still cross my mind often. You are missed and loved by so many of us. You were too young and we all just wish now for one more day with you. Rest In Peace Josh

June 6, 2010 at 9:29 a.m.
Its been one year since we lost our Fallen Hero. Your sacrifice for your country, family and friends will NEVER be forgotten and we all appreciate what you did. We will always remember you, and the troops who also lost their lives the same date in 1944, when the US landed in Normandy during WWII. You are truly missed, MD. As a friend, a brother, a hero.
I hope to serve as a Straight Edge Marine because of you
RIP LCpl Joshua "" Whittle
— Nate
June 6, 2010 at 8:32 p.m.
i still cant believe your gone. From the moment i met you and said you were the little twin of my brother, up until the time we were living at the same house, still seems so alive to me. I think about you everyday. I think about you throwing me in the pool with my clothes on, everyday! Or me and lindsey counting all our bruises that you and daniel gave us. Those are our favorite memories ya know. Thank you for serving our country. Thank you for being a great friend. I know ill see you again.
— Mallory Dicorato
June 22, 2010 at 7:36 p.m.

Marine Lance Corporal Joshua R. Whittle previously remembered at Boom3.

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