Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day, Arkansas 2010

Full day started with Sergeant Major Alford McMichael on D. Antoine's show here in Hot Springs, followed by Marcus Luttrell on Laura Ingraham's show.
Later we heard Taps played on Michael Savage's show.
Between and after all of that, folks gathered together here in Garland County.

Last year it was a parade in Pacoima, California. The crowd there was 90% Hispanic, mostly families, many of them young families, 100% honoring our veterans.
This year in Hot Springs, Arkansas, the day-time crowd skewed older and whiter and biker, but the 100% flag waving and veteran honoring was the same.

Arkansas's evening's parade was similar to California's -- American families and American flags and wonder and honor and gratitude.


Hot Springs home town fella, 
speaks at the Veterans Memorial in the morning, 
Grand Marshalls the parade in the evening.
Writes books in his spare time.

Thanks to Sergeant Major Alford McMichael for reminding us that it was President Gerald Ford who moved Veterans Day back to the sacred 11th day of the 11th month after clueless Congress had changed it to a federal employee's shopper's three-day weekend holiday.
In 1968, Veterans Day was moved, by an act of Congress, to the fourth Monday in October, along with other government holidays, to create a three-day weekend for government employees. However, this move was resisted by many states, veteran’s groups and municipalities and was changed back to November 11th in 1975 by then-President Gerald R. Ford where it has since remained as an official Federal holiday.
God Bless Gerald R. Ford, God bless our veterans, God bless America.

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