Monday, November 1, 2010

I Voted Today And I'm Not Angry -- Bonus Kate Smith Interlude

I voted this morning.

Yes I like to wait until election day. It's a nice ritual that, voting on election day. It swells my little heart with gratitude, voting on the first Tuesday of November. But I'm kinda booked up tomorrow, and I didn't want to wait another minute to vote the bums out.

Gotta say, here in Arkansas, a bluish state, perhaps the only bluish Southern state, it was like a party at the election board place for early voting. No beer and barbeque in the parking lot, but tailgating occurred, yeah.

The kindly gentleman in the pick-up truck next to me had plenty of voter guides on his tailgate.
"Need anything?" he asked. Yes I do. Fix me up:
"Here's a list of the incumbants.
Many of our incumbants never get a challenger. Not so this year: So here's a list of the challengers. Note the party ID's.
Here's a list of suggestions put together by the Tea Party folk. Want that?
Asked and answered.
No electioneering, just info.
Though slightly unprepared as I pulled in to the parking lot, I was prepared enough as I walked in to vote.
Touch screen or paper ballot? I chose paper. I'm old school. I'm classic. I like the technology of paper and pen.

Several times the only challenger to an incumbant Democrat on the ballot was from the Wankers Green Party. No Republicans, no Libertarians, only wankers Greens. I cast a couple of my first Wankers Green Party votes today. What? Anybody but a Democrat.

I got to vote to enshrine in our state constitution my right to hunt, trap and fish. Odd that in this state, of all states, we'd need to formalize our God given right to hunt our meat. And, Who knows? I may hunt, trap and/or fish some day.

On page two of the ballot was a collection of names and offices grouped together as unopposed. The choice was yes, keep 'em in office, or no, boot 'em out. I knew nothing about any of 'em, but I voted no, boot them out. Yes.

And no, I'm not an angry voter. I'm a happy voter. I don't know anyone who's angry. Well, my liberal colleagues and friends are angry, to a man -- and to a mannish woman -- but that's their natural state. Has been for years.

Any way, it was like a party at the election board place for early voting. A vote the wankers out party. A Tea Party.

God Bless America.

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