Friday, October 8, 2010

Shabbat Shalom -- Ed Koch Files

Mayor Ed "No Dual Loyalties" Koch
“I swear to you, if Israel ever invades the U.S., I shall stand with the U.S.”
Read Mayor Koch's recent piece on Rick "Zionist Media Overlords" Sanchez in the Yonkers Tribune.

Via Jews for Sarah Palin.

In the interest of full disclosure, I've not met Rick Sanchez, but once, many many moons ago, I was in Central Park to see a concert, yes, the Diana Ross concert, where I ran into Mayor Koch, and yes The Mayor said to me, as he always said to all of us when walking about his beloved city:
"How am I doin'?"

You're doing well, Mr. Mayor. Thanks for the music. Could you hold off the rain, please?

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