Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pope John Paul II Visits the White House -- This Day In History

October 6, 1979
Pope John Paul II Visits the Carter White House

Until today, rarely did a sitting President abide more in need of a holy visitor than did

His Holiness did meet with a Real President and a real First Lady later.
At the Vatican:

And again in Fairbanks, Alaska -- though unknown to us at the time, at the home state of a future President...

Memory Lane: Yeah, I remember on one of those Vatican State visits, when I happened to be off the farm and down in Chicago, Grampa accused me of going to Chicago to see the Pope.
If only Grandpa had known what I was up to his, old Papist-hatin' Lutheran heart mightta prayed that it were the Pope I was hanging with, rather than my gang of friends. Just saying.

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