Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Muslim Coward Nidal Hasan Still Gettin' Paid $6k Per Month...

ABC News reports:
Fort Hood Muslim Thug Nidal Hasan Can't Find a Bank Willing to Cash His Infidel Checks

"You've got all these banks marching in lockstep in a discriminatory manner against Hasan," said Galligan. "It's not like he's charged with any banking irregularities or money laundering. It's just outright discriminatory."

"How is he going to get a fair trial at Fort Hood if he can't even get a bank account?" said Galligan.

... According to Army records, Hasan stands to receive a check for about $6,000 every month. He is also eligible for what the Army calls an "incentive pay" that could be as much as $15,000 annually. Galligan declined to comment on how much Hasan is worth.
Boo fricken hoo.
God Bless America; This is just the kind of anti-diversity backlash he-man General Casey warned us about.

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