Sunday, August 1, 2010

Musical Interlude -- Kevin So

Okay, so I moved from California to Arkansas, from Studio City to Hot Springs just days ago, arriving here on the 23rd of July. Took a walk downtown Hot Springs within hours of arrival and the first thing -- very first thing -- I spotted was a poster, one of many around downtown, with Kevin So's pic, noting his upcoming appearance. 
Have to admit I had no idea who So was but figured it'd be a good intro to Hot Springs cafe society night life to go to the Poet's Loft to hear Kevin So.
I wasn't wrongo.
So opened with a Randy Travis song, an homage to Travis, because Travis was playing across town; but with few exceptions So did his own stuff all night, all of it good stuff.
His version of Travis's old hit I'm Going To Love You Forever was as strong as it was sweet -- sweet in a good way. Randy'd be envious, I'm sure. Supportive, but envious.

Looking for that crossover hit, Kevin? Try releasing your version of that song. Just saying.

Now, I haven't listened to Randy Travis in a long time but I used to listen plenty, and I've not seen him in person yet, but intend to, so I'm glad I didn't know he was in town last night or I might have missed Kevin So. 
So sang for two hours for an audience of about 15 people….
It was, yeah, good stuff. 
Great fun. 
Real music by a real musician.

Sure his politics are more lefterly than mine, but so what? His artistry is, yeah, art.
And though we both like the idea, the concept of having elected a black American president, So may like the Obama reality more than do I; but, as he sang in one song: he'll not judge me and I'll not judge him, for our differences. 
Kind of refreshing, that stance.
And, as he also sang, we stand stronger when we stand side by side.  
Tru, dat.
Hey, I'd side So any day. 

Kevin So stayed around and spoke with his audience after his show. 
I didn't thank him in person last night, but I should have. 
Next time, definitely. 
Hey, I'm now a fan.
Rena Wren,  just back from performing in Venice, CA, with her husband on bass and singing some harmony, opened for Kevin So.
Kevin ended the evening with A Brighter Day:

Kevin So photo by John Mazlish 

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