Monday, August 16, 2010

Congrats To Contento

Memorable Moments in Blogsville
This is old hat to all of you, but Contento received his first hostile-hostile comment today.
Couldn't be happier.
The little post Obama Supports Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor upset reader Terri:
Terri said...
Oh for Gods [sic] sake - stop with the lies. George Bush, Jeb Bush and Poppy Bush would defend the right of the mosque in NYC.
August 16, 2010 7:19 AM
Heh. For Allah's sake indeed.
My yellow flags start flapping whenever "rights" are invoked. I'm more interested in responsibilites -- though these days I'm pretty much satisfied with simple good manners.
And if the Bush trinity were to defend Cordoba On The Hudson, well, I'll lie about them too.

To borrow from el Presidente: "This is America, Miss, and our commitment to lies must be unshakable."
Thanks, Terri, and don't stop stopping by.


  1. Actually, if you checked your facts, the name of the community center (as it is NOT a Mosque) is being renamed "Park 51," as there were too many neocons complaining about the false connection between the Christian city of Cordoba and a one and historical Mosque.

  2. Darn those pesky facts, can't let them get in our way. No matter how much I may want a five-legged mule calling my mule's a tail a leg does not make it a so. Whatever you call the Cordoba Park 51 Not-a-Mosque Community Center PingPong Parlor Car-Wash 3-D Barber Shop and Vacation Bible School is up to you. Still, In the 8th century nearly all of the Iberian Peninsula (that would include Spain) was conquered by Muslim hordes. Just part of the expansion of the Allah's earthly empire. Took a while to boot 'em out. That "Christian City of Cordoba" you invoke was kinda prayer-ruggy Islamic for kinda a long-longish time, actually, if you checked your facts.
