Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sarah Palin -- Levi Johnston -- Gay Heartthrob Admits He Lied


Levi Johnston admits he lied about the Palins
Levi Johnston has admitted in a statement via People magazine that he lied about Sarah Palin and her family in media quotes and magazine interviews:
"Last year, after Bristol and I broke up, I was unhappy and a little angry. Unfortunately, against my better judgment, I publicly said things about the Palins that were not completely true. I have already privately apologized to Todd and Sarah. Since my statements were public, I owe it to the Palins to publicly apologize."

"So to the Palin family in general and to Sarah Palin in particular, please accept my regrets and forgive my youthful indiscretion. I hope one day to restore your trust."
Like we didn't know he was troubled and bearing false witness.
Read it all at Texas For Sarah Palin.

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