Thursday, July 22, 2010

Amarillo Files: Texans4SPalin

I have an old friend, KCD, in Dallas. We used to wait tables together when we were kids; he's been hoping I'd stop in Dallas on my way to Arkansas; alas, I'm roadtripping the northerly route this year.

KCD writes tonight of his family:
They are my favorite people. My mother may be the funniest woman ever.  You waited on them. Have thought about taking you to brother Michael's northwoods cabin. You will love these people. We'll talk politics, Sarah and the Big Ten.
Yeah, Sarah. I'll talk Sarah Palin with people who are not haters. You bet.

I rolled into Texas yesterday. The panhandle. Amarillo. Immediately seeing things one nevah, evah sees in California:
Gas at $2.659 a gallon, and trucks with Palin stickers.
Yes, the lady pumping her gas said sure, you may take a pic of my Sarah sticker.
Me? I'm liking being back in the Republic of Texas, liking being back in America.

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