Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chirping For Jihad

Won't you be my neighbor?
The little beauty looks toward Allah as she chirps:
When we seek martyrdom, we go to heaven.

"[Birds of Paradise] is one of the most widely distributed children's songs group in the Arab world, and it seems to have crossed the ocean to Canada and Britain," wrote journalist Fawzia Nasir al-Naeem in the Saudi Arabian newspaper, Al-Jazirah.
"Birds of Paradise" represents a new wave in Jihadist youth indoctrination. It is far more professional, better edited, and presented in a much more kid-friendly style than previous Jihadist children's programming. The themes are easily digestible even for toddlers. Child actors portray Israeli soldiers, all wearing yarmulkes, who ruthlessly gun down other children shown playing and dancing. Minutes later, the kids exact revenge and kill the soldiers.
Wonderful day in the neighborhood.
Thanks to Israel Matzav for the link.
Read more at Investigative Project on Terrorism or, as would be said by the current punks-in-charge, The Investigative Project on man made disasters.

We have our own wicked local idiots here in LaLaLand. They offered up their own children in the name of Hopenchange. Of course they now block their vid, but a terrific remix is still available:

Well, wouldn'tcha know it, the little precision Obama Corps has been removed too.
Got time?
Here's a Cat Stevens bonus cut.

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