Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sarah Palin Thanks Spunky's Enlisted Son

Spunky at SpunkyHomeSchool:
"I was privileged to ask Sarah Palin the first question during a break out session... at the Defending the Dream Summit. I asked her as the mother of a son in the military what advice she'd give to a mom whose son is about ready to leave for Marine Boot Camp? She gave me the same advice she said Cindy McCain gave her, 'Spend a lot of time on your knees' praying for God's hand of protection. Then she told me to thank my son for his 'selfless' service."
Credit where credit's due division: Nice words there from Mrs. McCain.
More More Palin Quotes'o'the'Day honorables from Josh Painter at Texas for Sarah Palin.
Nice quick home video there of Sarah Palin speaking to Spunky there at spunkyhomeschool.

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