Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mayor Bloomberg, America's Clown of the Week

KATIE COURIC: Law enforcement officials don't know who left the Nissan Pathfinder behind, but, at this point, the mayor believes the suspect acted alone.
MAYOR MICHAEL BLOOMBERG: If I had to guess -- 25 cents -- this would be exactly that, somebody-
BLOOMBERG: Home-grown, maybe a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health care bill or something. It could be anything. 

I'm often alone -- and find it comfy; I don't like the health care bill, or something; I have a political agenda; I've been to a Tea Party -- Searchlight; I'm home grown; America's Mayor Clown Bloomberg could make me mentally deranged if I let fools matter to me, but I don't let them.
But guess what? I'm not an adherent of that peaceful religion of peace, so foreign-made SUVs toting bombs outside of Broadway theaters don't occur to me.
Guess I'm not jihadi enough. Christian weakard.
Tell you this though, a star chamber is looking more and more appealing. We could start with the billionaires. And Couric. Then move on to the lawyers. That'd be a good start.

Update from Big Hollywood: Mayor Clown Bloomberg Hates You.

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