Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dennis Miller and Sarah Palin

Dennis Miller was in fine form today.
Walking the boy dog tonight, listening to Miller while Boydog sniffed, my neighbors thought something was wrong with me I was laughing so much.
Guess I don't normally look that happy on this end of the leash.
Miller was having fun.
Miller was goofy happy.
Miller's pissed too.
Mosque at Ground Zero? Madness.
Taxes? Madness.
Union madness? Madness.
Michael Vick? Madness. Never forgive him.
Cutting off the water to farms in California for some fish -- causing 40% unemployment in the Central Valley? Smelt madness.
Mosque at Ground Zero? Madness.
Miller's liking New Jersey Governor Chris Christie -- calls him the Fat Man. Wants him on his show.
The BP oil in the Gulf?
Classic Miller (from sidewalk memory -- not a transcript):
I'd put Sarah Palin in charge down there. She'd try things. If one thing didn't work, she'd try something else. She knows the business. She'd do things. Is she a genius? No. She doesn't need to be a genius. She's a conservative. There are only five moving parts to the conservative bullshit machine. If you're a liberal you have a whole Rube Goldberg contraption to your bullshit machine.
Don't that about sum up your bullshit for ya?
Mosque at Ground Zero? Madness.

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