Friday, May 14, 2010

Boycott Arizona -- Highland Park Files

DH is reporting in from Chicago again, this time with a connect to a piece from the Chicago Lampoon, covering the Highland Park High School girls basketball team getting Hebsoned by education flunky bitch Assistant Superduperintendent Suzan Hebson:
By now most have heard that Highland Park High School will not permit its championship girls basketball team to travel to Arizona for a tournament.

The girls had reportedly spent months selling cookies to raise funds for the trip, only to have an ideological warrior, Assistant District 113 Superintendent, Suzan Hebson, veto the trip.

Hebson,said that the new Arizona law intended to enforce U.S. residency laws in light of an onslaught of illegal alien settlement there, "would not be aligned with our beliefs and values."

Ms. Hebson is paid $206,319 [not a typo] a year to issue such profound pronunciamentos according to the Family Taxpayers Network teachers salaries report (see it here under the "Top 200 salaries" category:

Usually, when such morally superior uplifters as Suzan Hebson issue forth such ukases*, there is a hypocrisy to be found nearby.
Read it all here.

*Thanks too, to the Chicago Lampoon for the word of the day:
ukase --An imperial proclamation issued by a czarina having the force of law over hoi polloi, peons, serfs, sheeple, taxpayers and hard-working, deserving Girl-Giants.

1 comment:

  1. I am one of the basketball players in the photo. This is not the correct year for this story.
