Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yom Ha'atzmaut

יום העצמאות‎
عيد الإستقلال‎

White shirt day around here. White shirts somehow* being our tradition for the observance of Yom Ha'atzmaut -- National Independence Day of Israel, commemorating its Declaration of Independence in 1948.
And oh, yeah, thanks, President Truman, a real President -- remember when we had one of those?

NYTimes today, reporting from Israel:
But there is something about the mood this year that feels darker than usual. It has a bipartisan quality to it. Both left and right are troubled, and both largely about the same things, especially the Iranian nuclear program combined with growing tensions with the Obama administration.
“There is a confluence of two very worrying events,” said Michael Freund, a rightist columnist for The Jerusalem Post in a telephone interview. “One is the Iranian threat, an existential threat. Add to that the fact that for the first time in recent memory there is a president in the White House who is not overly sensitive to the Jewish state and its interests. You put the two together and it will affect anyone’s mood, even an optimist like me.”
How about our favorite Hatikva?
Okay to plan ahead.
Gregorian dates for Yom Ha'atzmaut:
April 20, 2010 (Tuesday, postponed one day to Iyar 6)
May 10, 2011 (Tuesday, postponed one day to Iyar 6)
April 26, 2012 (Thursday, advanced one day to Iyar 4)
April 16, 2013 (Tuesday, postponed one day to Iyar 6)

*Updatery:  Locally it's white shirts. In Isreal it's white shirts and blue pants, like in the Israeli flag. Simple, yes?

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