Sunday, April 18, 2010

Drilling For Water in Afghanistan -- Michael Yon

More from Yon with the real men in Afghanistan.
Yet more of Yon's great great photography.
Some American soldiers don't have a shower for more than six months.
Think about that with your Sunday brunch, and think about adding one more prayer to your daily ritual, a prayer for these guys on the drilling rigs.
One more chance to support Yon with your own cash dollars.
More from the article:

This crew’s deepest well in Afghanistan was 1,260 feet at FOB Wolverine.  TSgt. Laidlaw said they worked 45 days straight and finally got the water...

This team is stationed at Hurlburt Field, Florida.  Laidlaw said that in Florida they can drill a 120’ well in maybe a couple hours, but in Afghanistan that could take many days...

Laidlaw said there are many aquifers but RED HORSE doesn’t take from the shallow water because the Afghans tap shallow.   Nevertheless, Afghan wells can be hundreds of feet deep and are hand-dug wells that can look like shafts to Hell.

I asked Nathan if he ever struck black gold like in the Beverly Hillbillies, and Laidlaw said no, but they did find copper in RC-East.  Chinese are already here for the copper.

Read the must read water story here: Red Horse: In the Desert of Death
Michael Yon's Online Magazine here.

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