Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Beldar, Alexrod, Wimpy & Doug

Beldar does not post on his BeldarBlog very often, he's busy elsewhere -- I suspect he has a real life -- but when he posts it's always worth your time. Beldar posted nicely twice recently. Once about Doug, the AT&T guy who solved Beldar's internet connectivity problem:
Large bureaucracies, as we all know, often shelter incompetents from their just deserts. But for the bureaucracies to keep functioning even at the minimal level of overall competence they must maintain to avoid finally toppling over, they must each include at least a few people who actually know their business. One such is Doug the Repairman; that he is so clearly part of an endangered species makes me all the more grateful to have finally encountered him this morning. Cheers, Doug!
And just before that Beldar addressed Obama's shady treatment of Israel while including some fine separated-at-birth photos of Alexrod and Wimpy. Scroll down and take a look:

I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday, for a two-state solution today.
Again, BeldarBlogs.
Nuff said.

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