Friday, April 2, 2010

Acoupla Palin Paragraphs

Arnold Ahlert in Jewish World Review defends Palin while dismissing her as one of his choices for '12:
And before anyone gets started, I have devoted a ton of time and energy defending Ms. Palin in both print and in conversations with dullards who can't fathom how much of the animosity they feel for her is based on one of the most vicious smear campaigns ever perpetrated against any politician in recent memory. In short, a lot of folks have been manipulated by the media and they don't even realize it. In this case, the "lie(s) repeated often enough" has been very effective, and while such overt lying makes me angry, revenge isn't a primary motivating factor for me or a lot of other voters when it comes to selecting a presidential candidate.
Have to like that "manipulated dullard" observation. Of course even a sharpie or two or three have been sheepily manipulated -- baaaaa -- along the way. None that read this page, however. Just saying.
And American Spectator's Quin Hillyer channels -- and refutes -- some John Coyne in his article on McCain:
McCain deserves no credit for running a terrible campaign that saddled us with Barack Obama as president; he deserves no credit for choosing a not-yet-prepared Sarah Palin for Veep, tossing her to the wolves without enough support, and then letting his aides try to blame her for the campaign's failure even before the race was over -- in the process unfairly harming a rising conservative star who had and has great potential that now has been sidetracked from productive governance to show business.
Sidetracked to showbiz. Time will tell.
As I observed Mr. and Mrs. Palin in Searchlight last Saturday it was impossible to discern what they are up to. I don't distrust them. Heck no. Or, au contraire. But I sensed some design in action. Their game plan? Dunno. 
They're up to something.
Hope is for chumps but if I were a hoping man I'd hope it's world domination that they're up to.

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