Monday, March 22, 2010

Tethered To The State -- Mark Levin

You know I saw Mark Levin at the Reagan Library a few weeks ago. March 5th, I think. Hey, sure it was a Friday evening, but F. Lee was there, he does not come out of the underground bunker that often, and Jew or Christian, some weeks you just have to break Shabbat.

At one point in his learned and somber speech, Levin interrupted himself to say "I bet you thought I was going to get up here and rant and rave." We all laughed. "Well, I may yet do that," he added, to our cheers. He never did, not really, rave or rant. Damn.

He did say, clearly moved to be there -- as most of us are every time we visit:
"The Reagan Library...this is a spiritual place."
It surely is.
He also said:
"Remember, liberty and property are inseparable."
"Plunder is the business of the statist."
"Their purpose is to tether the individual to the state."
Couldn't help but think of Mr. Levin last night as I watched the results of the creepy, statist, plundering Congress voting to tether us all to their vile vision of the state, tether us cradle to grave -- though they're shy neither about killing us before we reach the cradle nor hurrying us along toward the grave once we're no longer cost-effective.

Some'o'my friends are truly pleased with this whole fool thing, but mostly it's those who run on feelers rather than disciplined thought. The duped dopes don't even notice the ankle braceleting that's coming their way.

I normally don't speak up during attendance at events such as Mark Levin's speech, but I would have that night. Alas, I never got a microphone or I would have asked him to say "Get off of my mike, ya big dope!" That would have been frosting on the cake.
Thank you, Mrs. Reagan; and thanks Mr. Levin.

Next Up: Bread and Circuses! What? I don't have a right to various boutique breads and a cirque or two?

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