Friday, March 26, 2010

Searching For Robert Stacy McCain in Searchlight

I fibbed this week. Not quite fibbed but skirted true truth in an opening correspondence with a beloved nepehew. (I want to say here life is sweet but that's not good enough. Life is full of life's blessings. Uncle blessings. Thanks to my sisters.) In our back and forthing I mentioned to M that I have a tkt to see Ann Coulter in Henderson (that's next to Vegasbaby) Saturday night and the tkt price was so low that I paid for a coveted parking space at the venue and it still came in at under thirty-seven bucks so I won't be out any money worth mentioning if I skip the show and if I don't go I'll just call it a donation to the sponsoring organization -- Nevada Tea Party, I think. I told him I also have a hotel room booked in Henderson for Saturday night but I've been trying to talk myself out of going because I'll be driving over there on Easter Sunday and that makes two trips in two weeks. Nothing wrong with that, but blah blah blah.
Nephew told me of his appreciation for the Coulter wit and said I oughtta go. What I neglected to tell him -- and here is where the sin of omission fib enters -- is that before Ann Coulter speaks in Henderson just a few hours earlier and a few miles south of Henderson Sarah Palin speaks in Searchlight ........ So the truly true purpose of my trip is to see Our Governor Mrs. Todd Palin. It's all tea party all the time and why would I not go -- even if only to get a sense of things? I feel not like defending the Palin this week, she needs no defense by me, and he seems to have an immediate negative-from-the-right reaction to the mention of her name, so I skirted my happy focus'o'the'day.

Coulter is a supreme bonus, to be sure, but yeah, I'm driving five hours tomorrow (today, now), perhaps sleeping in my truckette, to see Mrs. Todd Palin. Wonder if I'll get close enough to catch a glimpse. Add: Mr. Todd Palin. Trig Palin. Any accompanying Palins. Andrew Breitbart. Robert Stacy McCain. All supersizing attributes of a day in Searchlight. Eskapay's packed, almost. Weekend roadtrip!

Have to be back home by Sunday night. I've been through Searchlight several many times in the past four years but it's not been my destination. If I could pull up pics from that supplemental hard drive over there I'm sure I have Searchlight pics because among other singular draws Searchlight has the McDonald's with the slot machines in it. Nah, I never went in to see, mostly because I've not felt punk lucky and because I've not been hungry when motoring through, but I did pull over and snap shots of the signs outside. Probably shot the same shots every time I've driven through. Probably shoot them again this trip. Creature'o'habit is me.

I don't know if I'll really go. It's all about my mood when I get off of work, but my guess is I'll be feeling it. Plus I'm happiest en route -- that's a gift from dad. My email sleuths tell me that no camping is available this weekend on the Colorado River, but I called an RV place in Searchlight and talked to Virginia and said "I'm coming to Searchlight," and she said "We just had some cancellations," and I said "Virginia. I just have a small SUV, no RV, and I probably won't even pitch my tent. I just need a spot to park overnight and a place to shower." Virginia said "I'll have a place for you to park. Ask for me. If I'm not around tell anyone who's here that Virginia said you'd have a place to park." I said "I can't wait to see you in Searchlight, Virginia." And she said "We can't wait to see you." It was such fun that not to show up would be a serious breach of phone affection.

What's with that angry rhetoric: Showdown In Searchlight! Bet the place'll be crawling with raaaaacist haters. I'll fit right in.
Bonus Picture
The Other McCain:

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