Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kenyan Mensa Meet-Up

Noah Pollak at Contentions
reports that the White House Whiz Kidz:

. . . near the President say that, for one thing,
Obama doesn’t think that Netanyahu is very bright,
and there is no chemistry at all between the two men . . .
Kindergarten through Life; Affirmative Arrogance at work, Punahou division.

Updatery: Okay, the not bright Jewish (what's wrong with that assumption?) Netanyahu, went to high school in Pennsylvania, then, in 1967 after he graduated high school, he returned to Israel to enlist the IDF -- like any youth on the way to real manhood would. Netanyahu served as a combat soldier (where did Obama serve? Oh, yeah, as a wussy "community organizer" in wussythugsville) and Netanyahu served as a commander in the elite special forces unit of the IDF Sayert Matkal (look it up). During his community organizing military service Netanyahu participated in different operations including the hostage rescue mission from the hijacked Sabena Flight 572 in May 1972. Netanyahu was wounded during the operation. In 1972 Netanyahu left the Israeli army while at the rank of captain. 
After his community organizing military service Netanyahu returned to the United States and earned a degree from MIT. Got that? MIT -- known for lax, non-bright entrance standards -- in 1975, and an M.S. from MIT Sloan School of Management, got that? MIT in '77, and studied political science at Harvard and MIT.
Meanwhile, fatherless, motherless, really, non-Jewish, parentally-abandoned Kenyan/Kansan Barry Hussein Obama, left with his "typical white person" grandmother, was affirmative actioned through his entire sheltered, Punahou, preppy, bright, pretty-boy boy-life.

I know who I'd choose to have my back in an alley fight, or as Commander in Chief. 
Adapted from Wikipedia.

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