Monday, February 22, 2010

Get Local! Create Your MyBO Account

My BO. My my.
Okay, so sidelined on my Gmail account are the ads I usually ignore. Today I spotted this one:
Official Obama Website
Barack Obama Needs Your Help to Change Washington. Sign Up Today!
So yeah, I clicked the link -- hey, yeah, I should be working, but what the heck. Then the official Obama website encouraged me to Get Local! Create Your MyBO Account.

You'll fight
We'll fight
Blah blah blahdeblahblah.
Help Obama. Do this. Do that.
Obama says:
Our task is enormous. To succeed, we'll need all Americans, no matter how they may have voted, to join us in the work ahead. If we set aside the old politics that have kept us apart, there's no limit to what we can achieve.
And of course they asked for money.

Definition of BO
1. BO
A nice smelling smell that you get if you don't shower regulary and sweat a lot.
Pronounced as BEE-OH
Woah, who smells of B.O?
Over in the Pierce Mattie Beauty Public Relations Archives, this on BO:
Body Odor. Sexy or Not?

Stinky solutions here.
Bonus picture here:

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