Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'm playing catch-up here.

How do you get through a day without reading you some Jennifer Rubin? I know I cannot.
Don’t Ask, No Telling When Obama Will Lead
Jennifer Rubin - 02.11.2010 - 9:06 AM

Rather, the Left may be learning the hard way that Obama has little facility for the job of being president and zero talent for crafting historic legislation. He’s the quintessential academic — filled with big ideas (none of which bears much relation to the real world) yet utterly incompetent. Next time they might look for a “transformative” figure who can transform something.
Speaking of the "quintessential academic" from the Land of Lincoln:
Methinks Obama is less like Lincoln and more like a wannabe Stevenson -- the egghead and I part of Stevenson anyway.
Adlai Ewing Stevenson (February 5, 1900-July 14, 1965), politician and diplomat, was twice the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the
United States. He brought a freshness, a depth, passion, wit and vision to American politics and to international diplomatic discourse, that illumined an era. Many considered him one of the greatest political orators of his time, second only to Winston Churchill.
Of course Stevenson liked Churchill and Obama doesn't like Churchill or the colonial Brits -- oppressors of Kenyan Daddy Obama.
And I don't consider Obama one of the greatest orators of the day, do you? Unless great oration = boring jibberjabber. Just saying.

Speaking of Hopey-changey:
Change is inevitable. Change for the better is a full-time job.
Adlai E. Stevenson
Here's from an NRO Newsletter (no link possible, it's a newsletter I said.)
Morning Jolt . . . with Jim Geraghty
February 11, 2010

This administration's approach isn't bipartisan; it's bipolar.

Also in Morning Jolt, from Dennis the Peasant:

The most amateurish presidency -- and president -- of our age."
Two out of ten from everyday favorite classicist Victor Davis Hanson
The New Commandments on the Animal Farm Barn Wall
9. Guantanamo Bay will be shut down a year from the inauguration sometime, perhaps, in the future.
10. Deficits are proof of the reckless Bush-Cheney fiscal policies necessary stimuli designed to move our country in a fairer and more equitable direction.
What's with these "ex" ballet dancer Democrats?
Tutu boy slapped down by Reagan's Real son.
Michael Reagan didn't let his liberal brother's smearing of Sarah Palin, Scott Brown and the Tea party movement go unanswered:

Spurred by his younger brother Ron's recent appearance on Joy Behar's Headline News show, Michael Reagan, a Republican strategist, issued a written statement Wednesday saying his father would've supported the movement.
Thanks, Texas for Sarah Palin.

Don't miss these World Trade Center Pics

Feeling lucky, Punk?
Scotch Lottery
Want a $2,400 bottle of 40-year-old Glenfarclas Scotch whisky?

Byron York and the Obama Nobel $cam Update:
Where Da Prize Monie$?
Prize winners can have the money without delay, but Lundestad says it is not unheard of for a laureate to leave the cash with the Nobel Foundation for some period of time after winning. "The most difficult cases are with laureates who are in prison," he says.
Nobel Musical Interlude, because we still love this video.

Moving On:
Iran enriches uranium, Obama dithers, and Jonah's Mom gives us our daily bread:
Iran works on blowing up the middle east while the White House worries we may be too fat.
Full article and thread here.

Adolf is still in the Bunker.

Stormy Weather:
Picture of the Storm Damage In My Neighborhood With Additional FaceBook Commentary from my Aunt Mida Faith

Mida: We're in Oklahoma and we were watching all the flooding and mudslides in Caifornia and wondering if you had much of the storm. I wouldn't consider a chair turned over too much damamge. At least your beautiful flowers are not beat down. We have had more snow and I am sick ofit.
Me: Thank heaven sort of a God Obama and his FEMA is helping me clean up this mess.
Jane St. C: My prayers are with you.
Me: Prayers are good, yes. But don't forget: I'm never offended by cash.

C'mon. You didn't think I'd pass up the chance to include Lena Horne didja?
Next time: Ethel Waters.
Aw, why wait? I could use some Waters today. You?

Stormy Weather Bonus: Ella Fitzgerald

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