Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Think I may have lost a friend on FaceBook the other day. An old school chum and study partner (I truly would not have made it through the sciency parts of graduate school without her expertise, and she relied on my strengths in softer areas, no doubt) wrote me a quick FB message saying:
February 8 at 1:26pm
"Tell me she isn't going to run for Pres. How are you?"
Sure that's a nice segue from the political to the personal, and I was all "She who?" But yeah, I knew she who who.

I'm conflict averse and it's too bad that I am. I could blame mom, and theories of meek inheritance, but what would be the point? And this day I just did not feel like ignoring the inclusion in the snobbery, inclusion in the ain't we better than she stuff, inclusion in the current derangement variation. So, newly emboldened by Scott Brown, though in a meek little way, I defended Mrs. Todd Palin.

Dear Lxxxx:
What would I know?
But sure, I'll tell you she isn't going to run:
She Hillary Clinton is not going to run for president.
You meant She Governor Mrs. Todd Palin.
I knew that.
Will she run? I dunno.
Still, should she run and should she win, she couldn't be any less effective than what we ended up with this time, could she?
And she's quite better vetted.
And she'd arrive with some actual experience -- besides talky-talking.
And she's always cheerful in the face of scorn -- both scorn earned and scorn unearned.
Cheerful counts in my book. Bigtime. And scorn is overrated. Bigtime.
Just saying.
Or if she did run and she did win and she was as unprepared as what we ended up with this time, not to worry.
The beauty of our system is that it is self-correcting. Gotta wait four years, but correction occurs. Making me glad, always, to be an American. For that corrective reason and many other reasons, I remain a Grateful-American. That's my ethnicity, my hyphenate.
Now, how am I?
Thanks for asking.
Hope Trust you and yours are all well too.

Art-art swiped from Bosch Fawstin.

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