Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mass Stud Scott Brown Is No Gerry Studds

Scott Brown closes gap in Massachusetts Senate Race

Scott Brown is now a prominent public servant (he currently serves as Massachusetts State Senator for Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex counties), it is perhaps less well known there that Brown had a mostly nude photo-shoot himself while at law school. Brown was featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine as an outgoing 3L, and used the proceeds from sale of the photographs to help defray the costs of law school tuition.

Almost as fine as father of six RSMcCain in his Speedos. Just Saying.

Senate Campaign:
Contribute here.

Eat your hearts out Barney Fag Frank and Gerry Studds.
I used ta look good too, but I ain't posting the proof.
Big tip'o'the hat to the fellas at HillBuzz

Update Wednesday a.m.
Is it some kinda Freudian thing when the hithertofore perfect Jennifer Rubin names Scott Brown "Peter" Brown over in Contentions?
As for Peter Brown in Massachusetts, he must be thinking tonight that perhaps there is something afoot, the beginnings of a fundamental shift in the political landscape.

I kinda prefer Johnson Brown.
Anecdotal Update from KayJayLow at the Corner Wednesday afternoon.
After reading many positive posts about Scott Brown on The Corner, I thought I'd stop by one of his regional campaign offices and pick up a lawn sign. Wow, was I blown away by how packed the place was with volunteers and activity. In fact, there were a number of folks there who had also stopped by and we had to wait in line just to get a lawn sign. This is at 2pm on a weekday when most of Brown's supporters are likely at work. This weekend will be nuts, I'm sure.
The beefcake pics probably helped. Dunno.

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