Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Him Talk Pretty Soon

Old friend DH and I back'n'forth some on FaceBook, mostly using the message function rather than wall posting. Some days it's political stuff, stuff I'd love to post but too many FB friends are Hopeychangers and KoolAid drinkers so why rile 'em up or tamper with their fragilities by posting truth? Nobody wins.
Today DH and I have been goofing on the upcoming SOTU/STFU speech and just seven (7) minutes ago I received the following Chicago updatery from DH in the locker room:
Re: W2
"I go to a gym here on the south side every day at lunch. It's a very integrated neighborhood and it's mostly me and the old black guys at noon so the locker room sounds like a south side barber shop.  Lot's of unfounded opinions really loud.  Today after one of the guys declared that Daley was going to lose next time ... but declined taking any of my money on the bet ... we started throwing around who could beat him. The ideas ranged from Oprah to Rahm Emanuel. I ventured that Obama might need a job soon and the consensus was "that liar couldn't win in Chicago" by now. And those were brothers. Really."
More reports, please, Sir.
Feed Your ADHA courtesy of The Wisdom Of Soloman.
Thanks, Soloman.


  1. Glad you found Snarky Basterd and the gang.. quite a page over there!

    Love the Obama commentary by the Chicagoans. Oh, how times have changed...

  2. Snarky Basterd reminds me of why folk switch sides: Laughter over here, anger over there. ... DH followed up with: "Who would have predicted this? Oh yeah ... a bunch of us did, but even the locker room?""
