Monday, January 4, 2010

72 Biker Virgins From Hell

Currently moving up my Netflix list:
Virgins From Hell
A chaste all-girl biker gang vows vengeance on the drug lord that did them wrong in this kinky Asian exploitation film. The gang goes after Mr. Tiger [Woods?] for selling drugs to kids, but instead, he gains the upper hand and holds the biker chicks captive, using them as guinea pigs in his aphrodisiac experiments conducted with the help of his sadistic lesbian [redundant?] associate. But Mr. Tiger [Woods?] soon learns he's no match for the virginal vigilantes.

Enjoyed By Netflix Members Who Also Enjoyed:
The Wedding Banquet
The Betrayal
The Machine Girl
Bacchanales Sexuelles
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You'll have to look those up yourselves.

Not sure if these are the same kinda virgins promised to the Muwahhidun religion of peace jihad thugs, but hopin' so. Thinkin' these pure gals'll know what to do to drooling idiot bombers in stinking bearded Paradise.

And hey, just kidding about the redundant thing, ladies.

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