Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thaddeus McCotter

Over at American Spectator today Christian Josi links to Congressman McCotter speaking to military families at David Horowitz's Restoration Weekend. Take a look.

Here's what Josi says about McCotter:
My Man McCotter
By Christian Josi on 12.2.09 @ 9:13AM

I came across this clip of Rep. Thaddeus McCotter's remarks about military families at Restoration Weekend a few weeks ago, which I found particularly poignant this morning. Take a look:

I'm not sure I can think of many (any?) other elected officials in this day and age who have the courage, humility (not to mention intelligence) that it takes to truly speak from the heart like he does here.

McCotter fills a gaping hole in both the Congress and the GOP. May he stay the course!
I think R.S. McCain Smitty has spoken of McCotter before, over on The Other McCain.
Yeah, here. (Be sure to read the comments...)
The good sense of McCotter is as good as his great name.
And I heard a very happy McCotter on Dennis Miller's radio show recently.
Hey. He looks good. Speaks well. I've heard him laugh and now I've seen him be true.
What's he doing in Congress with those clowns?

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