Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Navy SEALs / Navy JAG -- Two Pictures -- You Be The Judge

Who's protecting us?
Rough men or soft lawyers?
September 23, 2010:
Okay. The comparison picture of the JAG officers has been removed from this post. You no longer get to do the visual comparison of the legal minds to the warrior minds. Not on this post. For several reasons.

Tho it was stated clearly that the pic we removed was of Minnesota lawyers, and it was stated clearly that it was used merely for the purpose of illustration, and it was stated clearly that the picture was used with due respect, that said, it may be true that comparing JAGS to SEALS is questionable.

Is it ever appropriate to compare lawyers to warriors? Nope. Not an apt comparison.

Navy SEALS may be compared to Navy SEALS, perhaps to Army Rangers, but not to lawyers.

Those JAG lawyers we had a picture of  looked like good folk, looked a whole lot like us and our friends -- just saying -- and we never should have belittled them on here Boom3 -- or even appeared to belittle them -- in an attempt to express our awe for SEALS or our distain for the prosecution of SEALS that was occurring when this was posted last November.

An observant and annoyed reader (see comments) took us to task for several things in this post.

He questioned our ability to read, noting that the lawyers in the post about Navy JAG lawyers were really Army JAG lawyers. Not a big deal in our book, given the caveats of the post, and we gotta take his word on that.

But, his larger point was the more important point. JAG officers, no matter the branch of service, wear the uniform of the United States.
They serve our country.
They do so often at some sacrifice in their personal lives, they do so at some sacrifice to themselves and their loved ones.
That service must be honored.
That sacrifice must be respected.
At all times.
One ought not let one's distain for legalities or creeping political correctness or wrong-headed prosecutions of warriors -- who also have a job to do -- make one forget the service and sacrifice of these men and women in uniform. That was forgotten for a moment in this post.

However he got to this old post, thanks to our annoyed reader for calling it out in the middle of the night.

And as for the sitting on the couch part of his accusation, I don't even own a couch. But if I did, and if I were sitting on it in safety, I'd attribute that safety to the men and women in uniform, yes even JAG officers, and I'd continue to thank them daily in my actions, in my thoughts and in my prayers.
End of updatery.

The picture of the lawyers [Now removed]  is from Minnesota Lawyer Blog and its inclusion here is merely illustrative. It is used without permission and it is used with all due -- due -- respect. Pictured in this photo provided by Beck-Brown are members of the military justice team. From left, they are paralegal [Names respectfully removed].
On the other hand, the picture of the real men is a United States Navy file photo of Navy SEALs operating in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. From left to right, Sonar Technician (Surface) 2nd Class Matthew G. Axelson, of Cupertino, Calif; Senior Chief Information Systems Technician Daniel R. Healy, of Exeter, N.H.; Quartermaster 2nd Class James Suh, of Deerfield Beach, Fla.; Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Marcus Luttrell; Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class Eric S. Patton, of Boulder City, Nev.; and Lt. Michael P. Murphy, of Patchogue, N.Y. With the exception of Luttrell, all were killed June 28, 2005, by enemy forces while supporting Operation Red Wing

Hmmmm. Navy Jag on FaceBook


  1. First of all you apparently don't know anything about the military or can even read because the JAG soldiers that are pictured are clearly Army. Second of all everyone has a job to do in the military and its the people that go out there, sign contracts, and sacrifice times of their lives to protect those are at home sleeping in their beds. Sure some soldiers are out in the city more and knocking down doors but everyone contributes in some way in the military to make it function and for those guys to do their jobs. How about you get your ass of the couch and go do something for our free country.

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