Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mrs. Todd Palin

From Stacy McCain and The American Spectator today.

Why do they hate her? Because Sarah Palin is guilty of a sin for which liberals can never forgive a Republican: She's more popular than they are. And everybody knows it.

H/T The Other McCain

Meanwhile, over at Another Black Conservative, Clifton B gives us his impressions of the Mrs. Todd Palin / Oprah Winfrey interview yesterday.
One of the things I enjoyed was how Sarah took the high road with Levi Johnston. Palin showed forgiveness and pity for Levi. If Levi continues his smear job against Sarah (you just know he will), Levi will find himself even more ostracized than before. After all how can you continue to bad mouth someone who is willing to break bread with you over Thanksgiving dinner? Look for Levi to implode in the very near future.
I pity the Levi.
And yeah I TiVo'd the show, but haven't watched it yet. It's always a chore to watch Oprah. I did walk out of the office this morning to listen to Mrs. Todd Palin with Rush Limbaugh. Always a pleasure to listen to happy people be happy, ain't it.

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